10:36 Saturday Morning   Redundant There was this one time.... no. But i really want to run away. KATHERINE comes home today! that makes a grand total of.... well now that mandy's gone ... three. three people worth staying for in the valley. Sad... Oh that's not to say there are only 3 people in the valley that i like or love.... it's only saying there are 3 people who i love so much I'm willing to not run awayfrom the valley. just yet. I mean, i haven't even seen her yet. It can wait until after i've at least seen her.
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yeah,know what thats like
You see, I get worked up over anything really, and in this case, I got worked up because I see that people are still using labels on others, and even worse, Labelling themselves...when they don't even know the origin of it really. Plus she called me something that I'm not..A Poseur, you can only be a poseur when you try too hard to be something, part of a label perhaps, but I'm not trying to fit into the label
show us ya crack, roffle mayo!!
roffle mayo sounds like an awesome pirate name. mmmm awesome pirate names

man, i miss logic man too. and the oh-so pervertedly hot boy reson *rawr*
oh yay for you for having some hot guy in english beside you (GEE I WONDER WHO ARE WE GOING ON ABOUT HERE?!) and i get chris. when he's allowed, that is. roffle mayo. barfs.
i want to run away with you. we'll run away to a city. a big one. with lots of stupid people to laugh at and criticize.

i love you tons. mkwaa.
We've been married 8 months but together for 3 years
I hope so too. Thanks.

ahh youre sooo lucky!!