Feeling: angelic
7:58 Wednesday Evening
  Tears For Distance
Wow, i haven't written in a while.
Sunday! What was sunday like? Oh right, I slept in. Then I found out that Friday night is fireworks (the first. yeah i am confused), so we're gonna have to pause our Zombie movie to go outside and watch them from my front porch. I hope people show up,besides Hailey and CJ. That'd be cool too, but still. I think Aaron will come. Scott won't because he's a loser and has to work, and so does Taylor. Maybe i can convince Taylor to come when he finishes work.
After i got all frustrated about fireworks, I decided I wanted to blow bubbles.
But we didn't have any bubble wands. So gah! I will have to get some at wally world.
I took a nap outside. Pretty much i just lazed around all Sunday, until Aaron came over and I made us some tea and we watched Creepshow, which was fun. Aaron is awesome.
I....missed Sara a lot. I painted a canvas black with my fingers, that was fun.... Hmm maybe it needs another coat....
I'm going to paint a pirate for Clint and then he will buy me a pinstriped fedora. It will rock.
I danced for ages to A Perfect Circle, that was fun. Sexy whatever dancing doing what I want, just moving. It's my favourite exercise. I think it was exercise.
I also read a book and listened to music for a while. And I called craig and went outside on the trampoline and lay there in the sun for a while talking to him...like a normal teenaged girl, the kind that is stereotyped in the movies. Always sunbathing, and on the phone. I don't know.
Then I went to a class and got my food handler's permit for work! woohoo for me. I missed one question on the test of 40. So yay for passing and yay for horrible videos that make me want to barf at the idea of going to any fast food restaurant.
I wrote an email to Caleb and just as i was finishing it up, he signed on. So instead of going to bed, I talked to him for an hour and a half. It was great.
Tuesday i woke up at 5 to go to work by 6, then i went home after work ended around 9, then i took a nap and then i picked Sara up and we went to work at 3:45 and were there until 6:30 or 7. As soon as Sara and I got in the car, I was calling my parents to tell them I was picking up chelsea's pants, and it started raining. It turned into a downpour. We hadn't even started my car yet. It was so cool.
I love the rain!
So I drove me and Sara to Katherine's house to get chelsea's pants, then I drove Sara home, then I went home, and I chilled out, talking to my parents' friends, showed Kathy some photos of caleb and me, had a grand time.
I like talking with adults. They always seem to know what they're talking about. Yay for them.
Then Caleb got online. hehehehe. I talked to him for about an hour and a half, then went to bed.
Today I woke up at 5 again and used the SNOOZE BUTTON for the first time since 6th grade if ever. So wow. Wow the snooze button.
And it obviously takes less than nine minutes toget into dream mode because when i woke up again it was 5:09 and I had just begun a dream about something to do with mandy. I am not sure. it is a crazy thing, that dreaming is.
So i had just got comfortable when the alarm came back on. I conclude that snooze buttons are seriously overrated.
I went to work, and after work finished at 9, I went to my dad's office and took a nap until 11, when he came in to work and woke me up. grumble.
It's cool though. We went to lunch, Mum took me to Walmart to get a hair trim and some new pants, and I ended up getting new shoes as well so that was neat for me. I hate fashion.
These are like ultra low rise jeans but they were really all i could find. if I sit down without a belt, i swear it'd be possible to see my butt crack. And I'm sorry, I just really don't think that's attractive.
But i like my shoes. I'm kinda sad I bought them at Walmart, because probably some poor Taiwanese almost-slave child made them. I don't know what to do.
My mum dropped 6 sizes though while we were in NZ, and that made her happy, so that makes me happy. yay for my mum.
Then I went to work again, finished at 7, dropped Sara off at her house, went home, and now I'm gonna go pick up Chelsea from Katherine's.
There, I've caught up.
I wish I had more interesting things to say, but I feel the need to document my life for some reason.
Sometimes I find myself narrating my life in my head. I wonder what is my problem...
Thanks, though. I hope I start sleeping better too. It's weird - I'm sleeping for a long time, it's just such second and third-rate sleep that it feels like nothing! :S
ooh, and ninja geniesa will also use her awesome ninja style moves to kill djs, or pirate teresa can always turn djs into zombies for ninja geniesa =P
Any shopping in Aucks?
ill be worried if ya mised that. Dayom.
Ya ring up yr NZ mates, n keep in touch with em?
im bored
Haha damn that spacebar! Evil thing [lol]
The boyfriend is back soon, so I'm trying to keep my moping to a minimum.
oh welllllsssss
im tired.
its 2:00 am...
im bored
i feel like going on a walk.
yay, I'm not alone!
Haha why cant you use the space bar silly?
i wish i was in canada right now, i was supposed to go there this summer but changes happened and i dont get to go, but my dad gets to go...thats gay.
as for the action figures, i love the idea for the chris one, so him..but i reckon scott can have sex with both males and females, because he can basically flirt with whatever her likes. he can see barbie as a dude and totally go for it.
what will a geniesa and teresa action figure do??
and computers never hurt your feelings, you only want to kick and hit it when its not moving fast enough.
haha, that made me laugh.
and no, gwen never said yes to him. poor gwen.
i dont support bush either.
im not a patriotic person at all...maybe its cuz im canadien lol and i lived there like my entire life, then i moved here, blah.
i had no idea you could put music on your diary...
but i wouldnt want to, cuz i listen to music while im on the computer so it would mix with my other songs
I feel the need to tell people what goes on in my life. Doesn't usually mean that people actually care but I guess it's in case they do.
You been? What'd you see? What'd you miss? Where else ya go?
Ya shop in Welly?
What'd ya buy?
Vienna. x0x0x
yay for your mum and dropping her size. our food's that bad huh? =P
yay for my reanimated zombie arm :)
yay for rain!! rain rules except when youre at school where the smelly trees are!!
man, i should get those action figures made!! maybe you should get your pirate made too!! that would rock XD
i dont mind...
there are like 5 other computers in my house, so if one isnt working...i got to a different one. hehehe
i think it really loves me
i love holding hands...