Feeling: decadent
4:08 Late Thursday Afternoon (20 August 2009)   You're Sick, You Have A Fever I am officially a homeowner. Had my first bbq last night with the grill I just bought that day... I bought a charcoal grill because I like the idea of charcoal better than gas, but apparently that was a mistake and Caleb was a little annoyed. Oh well. So yeah, it took a while to get it lit and hot and even enough to actually cook the various meats and fake meats. but eventually it got done, my fake meats were delish and everyone else had burned-as-shit burgers or juicy brats. Basically the guests were The Tea Group, and a few choice others like my sis and her boyfriend and Mandy and stuff. Tea Group kind of left Zeb and Caleb (and everyone else who wasn't a Tea Goer) out of the convos, probably not on purpose but I felt weird about it anyway. This is why Caleb doesn't like hanging with them that much, I guess. I drank a fair bit and got a fair bit drunk. KJ invited a few people over to my house without asking me - mind you one of which I had invited anyway but she didn't recognize my number on her new phone, but still. I thought it was weird. So I texted her and asked her if she was dating the kid who came that I hadn't already invited, and then asked her to next time tell me if she's inviting randoms over to my house. Problem solved. My boss just gave me good news about my research project, we're not going to be using those god forsaken filters anymore, we'll be using the actual particles collected in some fancy shmancy electrostatic apparatus that will eliminate all of the problems the filters came with..though that's not to say it won't introduce problems of its own. it's also not to say that i'll magically know what to do with the project, either, so i still kind of hate my job. hooray but at least I did something sort of useful today. aaaaand, it's tea time~ wheee
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Bryan had a charcoal grill, and the meats were okay, aside from it taking a little longer. As long as your foodsies are marinated nicely, I'm sure it'll be yummy.

How many times has Zeb been in the US now? It's ridiculous how he always happens to find the time/finances to make it there! Grrr at Zeb. But at the same time, yay for Zeb.