2:00 Friday Afternoon
 Food Court Catastrophe
it wasn't really a catastrophe, I guess.
But my mom's card wasn't working to pay for her meal, so I bailed her out and used the rest of the cash I had to pay for her meal.
So now I have no cash except fifty dollars which im planning to use to buy my Coppelia ticket. Which I'm finally going to see.
I'll dress up pretty.
i wonder if caleb will watch a movie with me this evening before i go? or after? i don't know. I don't think so, i don't feel up to calling him and he's not going to get online. Last night we were going to watch movies but he had a barbecue instead. I cooked the food and popped the corn and watched the guys play random video games from the early 1980s. But he noticed the black jacket and asked when I got it, and I said "back in the States!" and he was like "have you ever worn it before?" "yes" "oh. i thought i was being observent."
he makes me laugh.
i got a shirt and tie at the op shop. two bucks. go me.
can't wait (until the posting of pics of more than your sweet belly!!)