Listening to: Imogen Heap
Feeling: disappointed
11:30 Late Saturday Morning   Why Have you Let Me Down? American Women, I'm looking at you. NPR (and the media in general, but NPR is my biggest source of news) is making a big deal out of Palin, a much bigger deal out of her than they are of McCain. 6 months ago, I would have been at ease with McCain as a president. Maybe not happy, but I wouldn't feel fearful. Not like I do now. I was hoping he'd choose Romney as VP, thinking that Huckabee would be a better choice if he wanted the evangelical conservative Christian right; no one saw this Palin woman coming. Now it's Palin this, Palin that...In her first speech I remember her telling Clinton supporters not to give up hope of seeing a woman in the whitehouse, seemingly advertising herself as the other Hilary...despite that she goes backwards on a lot of reproductive rights that most (I hope!) Clinton supporters hold near and dear to their hearts. On top of that, she may not be 'corrupt' but it sure doesn't seem that she's against abusing her power (attempting to fire her sister's ex husband, or lobbying for millions of dollars of pork barrel money when she was mayor, anyone?). I laughed and thought, there's no way American Women will vote for Palin just because she's a woman. We're better than that! She's no feminist, but yet she's touted as one! now, WHY oh why did you have to prove me wrong? I heard one woman divulge that she felt a special connection to Palin because they have the same haircut. COME ON! in other news, i'm excited for my geology exam. haha.
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geology rocks
ryn: already friended you :) i didn't know chelsea was your sister, haha small world.
i'll be posting more political stuff leading up to the election, i have access to a lot of good info :)