Feeling: sane
1:51 Early Wednesday Afternoon   I Dont Know If We're Going to Make It the house, that is. I feel my hopes slipping away more and more. Is the worst part that I want to blame Caleb for not emailing the prof? Or I want to blame myself for not having a more reliable job? I've been thinking more and more about going back to Catering. Pros: schedule, money. Cons: I hate catering, Less time w/Caleb. It's been so weird, it infiltrated my subconscious. Last night I had a dream that Amy and Ang worked at Catering and we were having a meeting with Tomas. I was like "do you guys mind if I start working here?" to Amy and Ang, and Tomas was like "I do, i will not respect you if you come back because you promised you wouldn't." Then the next thing I knew, the Millers were living right next to us, the sky was orange, and they came over a hill into our yard with some elephants. i thought to myself, 'it's weird how much elephants look like Dr Miller,' and when I think about it now, the elephants didn't have trunks - they had human noses. The small elephant ran over to me, and I held my hand out for it to sniff and then it snarled (yeah, even though it was an elephant, not a dog), 'You Are A Robot!!' and chased me around trying to eat me then i woke up. what the hell? I really wanted that house. I'm going to do some work.
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if that is true then the situation is messed up half way only. it partially sucks that another company is buying it out, but still good to know that it might be produced!
are you two going to buy the house or rent it? crazy dream, by the way.