11:43 Late Wednesday Morning   The Downside of Brilliant Grades Caleb studies. I've never known people before who actually study. None of my american friends ever studied. But then again,in America we dont have big 3 hour exams at the end of the year that determine our entire grade. So the moral of the story is I didn't get a very big e-mail to read today. I understand. But that doesn't mean that I like it. Next Thursday I start school. It hasn't hit me yet. I still feel like Next Thursday is a month away. ----------------- 12:38 p.m. Sometimes I interact or watch someone and I get confused. Because their way is so stereotypical or they seem so genuinely dumb and I just want to ask them "Are you for real?" and I would want them to say to me "of course not, you think people could really be as dumb/silly/stereotypically whatever as I am acting?" But i don't because I'm afraid that what if they ARE as dumb/silly/stereotypically whatever, and I offend them, and then I wonder if people look at me and wonder the same thing. "Is this girl for real?" Especially today. I put my watch on this morning and looked at it just now and it is upside down.
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Three hour exams stink. Badly.
yeah, its unbelievable how dumb some people can be
I hope you get your hug from caleb soon.
oh god. the girls i used to work with...dear god.

one um....put a part of her dog in her mouth...

yeah...i dont think it gets much more stupid.
Yes, people can be very very stupid. I work with some very stupid ones. And I deal with very stupid ones at work (while I'm taking their order). It's amazing how stupid people can be. IT's a wonder we're not extinct.
i WISH i was joking...

just imagine having to look at her everyday while trying to act like your one coke to entertain little snobby birthday brats.
hahahah well, edwardo might be coming back. he lied to customers. NO FRIES AT 9? he might be getting fired for that, i don't think you are suppose to lie to customerssssssssssss! haha so maybe you will be seeing him soon :)
Haha. I wish I had a nice watch, though not so I could wear it upside down.

Thanks for saying that about my exams. I'm trying not to think about mine yet. It's the best way.

well i actually quite my job. but i worked at a store called "its a girl thing" which is like libby lou and pickalillies if you have either of those around you. so id dance, do lilttle girls hair/makeup/nails,help them dress up,play games with them,write down the presents they recieved. which really doesnt sound all too bad. but when you work with the people i worked with/ worked FOR,its pretty bad.
hahah yayay♥

so pretty soon you will be living the life.
edwardo's back to clean your pool, make you food, give you a back massage..
what more could a girl ask for?
its VERY sad.

weve had girls from ages four (!!!!!) to fifteen.

its unbelievable. four year olds with make up. i felt bad putting it on them
was he getting paid?
lip stick plants?!?! thats AWESOME haha.

and yeah i dont wear very much makeup either. and i didnt even experiment when i was four. probably not until i was 8 or something, and yeah with all that cool fake makeup stuff.

but yeah, im so happy to not have that job anymore.. but poor..which is no good
ahh blisters..yuck

and yeah. work = no good. but no money= even worse (sometimes)