Listening to: Marcy Playground(Sex and Candy)
Feeling: lame
Tuesday, 3:44 p.m.
 Teh Awesome is in Teh Wood
I'm just a little bit worried about auditioning tomorrow to sing in Arina and Geniesa's band. I don't know what kind of music they play and i don't have any songs in my repertoire to sing them. And they haven't seen my lyric thingies yet either and they might think it sucks/is cheesy/won't do well put to music?
But if it doesn't work out, not a big deal, i suppose. I just go back to hanging out with Caleb on wednesdays, unless we decide thursdays are cooler because there's an extra hour to do stuff in.
Yesterday was quite cool, except the time flew by so fast.
Nonsense. You only believe the pencil will fall down if you drop it because it has every time before.
I didn't do much work in maths. *hangs head in shame* I changed seats to sit next to some of my friends and ended up talking most of the hour. Although I did help Chris with some of the maths. bahaha.
im so smart. (cough)
I'm going to say what I want for christmas before I forget:
-Classical Music CDs (preferably Handel or Beethoven)
-A bass guitar (haha, like that would ever happen)
-A better singing voice (sigh, me and my impossible wishes)
-More minutes on my phone card
-For Mandy to get better
-For Iraq situation to get better as well (if only...)
-A NEVERENDING BOX OF TIM TAMS (hahahahahhahahaha. but really. tim tams are really good.)
-Health, peace, and wisdom to my friends and family and myself, of course because i'm selfish like that.
-Some small stereo speakers wouldn't hurt.
-Some wooden liquor crates from the liquor store that aren't being used, so I can have an end table.
And you'll do superb(yay for gay words!) during the audition!
Love you, big sister!
Love, Chelsea.
that's my freebie for this year
hmmm..may i suggest that instead on just skip that and go straight to the screaming..ra ra sure they wouldn't mind
big christmas list but i don't think santy claus is feeling very giving
Am I missing something important?