Listening to: System of a Down(Pictures)
Feeling: lovely
11:56 Late Sunday Morning
 Wrapping Paper Legs
I wish I had some classical music. Then I could chill out. I've got Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring in my head while System of a Down plays in my ears, and I feel a little disappointed.
Friday there was a thing at Caleb's, It was alright but my little sister came and made things less fun. It's just a little bit creepy when your 5-years-younger sister appears to be flirting with your boyfriend...even Zeb kinda noticed. Eeech.
Yeah, and Simon would make her cry and he'd feel so bad and I wouldn't know whether to comfort her or tell her to grow some skin,Simon didn't mean it. *sigh* Oh well, life goes on.
Yesterday, Dad mentioned the safe sex fair and when I tried to give him my reasons why it's completely irrelevent that I go, he changed the subject and didn't bring it up again, so I went to Caleb's yesterday instead.
Church barbecue thing at his house was last night. Everyone but Zeb and I went home around 10. The Fugitive came on TV so we decided to watch that. It sucked, but I'm not a Harrison Ford fan. It was long, too! dahh! It was finally over at 1 a.m. and then Zeb drove me home because he luffs me. :D (sails more into the wind me? yeah)
Heh, I sung to them "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" and Zeb scoffed and rolled his eyes. Just cos it's summer...
Anyway. Daddy bought me gummies. yay!
Except I slept in today and didn't get to go to Church. But I got to eat french toast.
french toast sounds absolutely delectible right now. me=jealous
skipper :)
: P
: P
I want a barbeque. But it's cold. :(
sorry im bored and dumb...