1:50 Mid Tuesday Afternoon   Early Awakening Butttterrrrfliiieeesssss I have hopes and wishes and dreams. some are impossible, some are infeasible, some are probable, some are almost certain. Only time will tell. I hope - My parents move to Washington and are happy there - I get A's in all my classes. - I at least stay on the Dean's List - I learn how to fly - I get married to Caleb and we live happily ever after - I at least marry Caleb and we love each other forever and work out any conflicts that arise - I get the best job ever and actually do some good in the world - I have children some day - I never age - I handle aging with grace and dignity - I travel the world with my best friends - I can be the best bellydancer ever - I get a ten on today's recitation quiz - I survive graduate school - I have the gumption to stay healthy and fit - I never forget how to fall in love
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your parents are moving??