Listening to: The Nutcracker
Feeling: excited
11:38 Late Friday Morning
  I Want A Purple Crayon
Santa Comes Tonight.
Dear Santa Clause,
I know this is a little late, but sometimes I forget about you. What with the holiday being about Baby Jesus being born and all. Ah well, everyone else still thinks about you more than Jesus! Yay you!
I just wanted to let you know that I've been really really good this year. I've had my bad moments, fights with my sister, issues with the car, a few little white lies here and there; but who doesn't!
Anyway, a bowler and a trench would be real hott if you know what I mean, Santa Baby (like in the song! With Betty Boop! Do you like that song? I do...).
So that's what I wanted to tell you. Merry Christmas and to all a good night.
ho ho ho.
Don't Crash and burn (like poor ol' Jack Skellington. That poor man...thing),
Dear Jesus,
I'm sorry. You know, about the whole human problem. It's not my fault but I sure do add to it! So I'm sorry, and thank you for dying for me. Really appreciate it.
Lots of Love,
P.S. Happy Birthday!
haha..I love your letters.
as are your letters; im sure theyll be greatly appreciated when received.
Shaddup. ._O ^^
Yeah, love ya!
Happy Holidays
Love, Chelsea
PS. Sorry about writing a comment in your diary in your diary.
Merry Christmas!
Mike x
I guess I forgot about those things...
Merry Christmas!!! Hope you got some cool stuff. :o)
Actually I didn't actually know what most of my stuu was, actually. And I got sexy undewear. Yay.