Feeling: disappointed
9:40 Friday Morning   I Blame Fungus I had a nightmare last night. Something about Zombies/skellingtons. and neopets (WTF). Like, I got attacked by a skellington and turned into one, but the next day i was a person again...and then skellingtons kept following me around, and i was convinced they were Zombies. and only a few people could see them. They were really scary looking skellingtons, too. then i was writing a book describing my experiences for Neopets (!!), which is weird because i haven't played neopets in months, and before that, years. I blame Caleb because i was up talking to him for absolutely ages last night, and right before i left to go to bed, he was like, "we never did try that white fungus drink" and went on to describe how wonderful it probably was, and i just hate fungus in general. i am very much anti fungus in everything but cheese. some cheese, anyway. so it ruined any chance of having a good dream, somehow...that fungus...gah i loathe it. even though i had greenbean casserole for thanksgiving and it was made with cream of mushroom soup...and was really good...i pretended it was cream of other random white stuff that isn't meat. i don't know. diiieee fungussss ----------------- 2:01 p.m. Smiling when you're sad is so cliché. seriously. So is saying "everyone thinks i'm happy but really i'm not..." i hate it when people say that. smiling when you're sad... honestly. way to devalue a smile, society. no one trusts smiles anymore.
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Yeah but surely they're famous for saying "I just don't care anymore" and all that bollocks... apathy is more of a mood, emotions are... emotions...

I agree that christmas is over commercialised, but I don't particularly care about it, if it's what the people want let them have it...
Right, getting your point. But I still gotta say that every emo I have met (54 in the last two weeks...) seems to be completely apathetic, because Emo doesnt mean fuck all anymore, it's like punk and goth... it's a fashion, a trend... its bollocks... just Emo's look like wankers.

smiles are the worst liars.

i think sometimes you can tell a real smile from a fake smile.

and people you know, you can always tell when they fake a smile, or happiness. it's just something people can't fake after they let people in.
lol. Yes, fungus is strange stuff. But I do like cheese, too. Cheese is good. Most cheese. Squeaky cheese is cool. Anyways, yeah, I smile a lot. But then, I'm usually not sad...and when I am sad, I don't smile as much.
"everyone thinks i'm happy but really i'm not..."
lmao that is so true. glad someone can see through that.