Feeling: calm
10:58 Late Monday Morning   Hilariosity In Disgust As many Westerns know, today is that much-lauded drinking 'holiday' involving green, leprechauns, shamrocks..and, in America, probably a shitload of Guinness. I'd nearly forgotten it was St. Patrick's Day, Dad woke me up this morning with a 'don't forget to be wearin' some green t'day, Lassie!' so I put on a bunch of green eyeshadow and a leaf earring. when I got in the car, my Dad looked at me and said 'couldn't you have just put like, a clover on your cheek like a normal person?" I guess I had a little too much fun with the eye make up. I don't wear make up at all very often so when I do I kind of go all out. Whatever, though, that's not as funny as when I was talking to my boss about work this morning before I went off to class, and he was looking at me really weird and talking to me, and then in the middle of a sentence went, "OH! it's St. Patrick's Day, that's right." I guess my eyes are freaking people out. I didn't think they were that different. I'm not sure if I should feel weird about it or laugh that it's caused more fuss than I intended. I think I'll laugh. When in doubt...laugh! in other news, I'm so excited to be in school again. What the Hell, Teresa, I know. Also, Caleb got extremely angry with me on Saturday night. and I haven't talked to him since then. I drew him a pretty picture and sent him an email but I have never been so worried about us or afraid of him, EVER. not in the entirety of our 3 and a half years. It's...an uncomfortable feeling. I'm hoping he was just in a bad mood and that he didn't email me yesterday simply because he was too busy to get online. That's what I think is probably going on, but I'm still worried. Mostly because, while he has been angry with me before (he's even flat hung up on me before), he's always come back in a couple of hours with an email saying that he wasn't mad anymore/explaining what happened. Anyway, I'd better stop before I think about it too much and come up with outrageous worst-case scenarios. I need to call Amy. first, some good news. I'm going to work today!!!! Yeah! woohoo!
Read 3 comments
I want to see pictures of yer pritti eyes!! I should've done that.... hmmm... I hope it was a great Spring Break b/c I don't even get one! Finals in like two weeks....grr. Ok. I love ya, buh bye! ~Love, me~
where do you live? yea i can rock climb, probably why i make a decent lesbian. haha. i haven.t been in a while though. and yes, when in doubt, laugh. i wouldn.t worry about what people think. it.s a silly holiday so a little too much make up is okay :D
If it has to do with finger strength then I would be horrible at it. My fingers are always tired from work. (I'm a drafter working for an architect) --- Your entry was very amusing. You should totally post up a photo of your eyes and show off that artistic side fo you :] ---PS: I had totally forgotten today was St.Patrick's DAy lol , until I read your entry. I'm wearing nothing green [