Listening to: The Verve(Bitter Sweet Symphony)
12:26 Early Wednesday Morning
 I wrote about My Future
i always want to know exactly what's going to happen, exactly when, exactly how. I want to know what my life will be like in seven years time and I wish to know the future. It's an obsession.
Like zombies are an obsession. Like getting up and washing my face every fucking morning WITHOUT FAIL is an obsession.
Like staring into my eyes and thinking of all the reasons why it's always that one little section of my right eye that leaks blood out of broken capillaries.
It's another late night for me. I'm talking to Zeb and it makes me feel better for staying up so late, but every time i think of things I want to cry so hard, but that would only make my broken blood vessels in my broken right eye worse.
2:07 p.m.
I've got good news and bad news.
The bad news is, I'm practically doubled over in pain.
The good news is I was right! It was PMS! And I've got my period now, so I'll be happy again until next month!
The bad news is I can't see Coppelia tomorrow night as Peg's got company again, so I have to wait until Friday.
The good news is I can hang out with Caleb more tomorrow! Yay!
Anyway, ow. fucking cramps. I can't um. i can't type anymore.
i like dough better, personally.
OOOH!!! i wanna see your eye, your bloody eye. not makin fun of it, just wanna see it. pretty please. kyle showed me his tail when he had it. pleeeeeease.
: P
My blood vessels are crap when they go wrong.
I'm gonna whip them into shape as soon as I work out how.
and you alwyas have that feeling..."maybe it's pms" but nooo... you never really know!
damn you god and making girls bleed form vaginas!
: P