Listening to: Sons of Korah
Feeling: sluggish
3:14 Mid Monday Afternoon   Time for Pi! 3:14 is my favourite time. i prefer it in the morning though. mmm, pi time. i'm not a nerd... ...maybe. i spend way too much time doing what i shouldn't be doing. i gave blood today, and right now i'm sort of studying for my physics exam...meh. We worked on our Genetics assignment for biology last night....kind of. he sent me his answers and i put my answers next to his and highlighted the ones that were different. this morning we looked at them and figured out who went wrong where. he had an awful night, and I wished that i could have been there for him. the internet is cold and impersonal, but i gave him a hug this morning. in other news, I'm smitten, and it sucks because i don't have the stamina to go so many nights with marginal amounts of sleep. the first few months of our relationship that was fine, but now...come on, we've been together for two years, why am i still twitterpated? :S in more news still...physics exam is on wednesday. no school on friday but i'm registered for the bioneering conference. i don't work this week. I don't know if i work next week. next week is the last week i'll work before January. I'm half sad, but after saturday night i wanted to kill a lot of people so this is probably for the bests.
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you are lucky. i do hope i am still smitten after 2 years.
If I think of guys before I sleep I never do sleep. My stomach just ties itself in knots. It's like that feeling you get before you go on holiday, just with guys. Weird. Also being a geek (English nerd) is fun sometimes :) I look forward to English & History.
that makes plenty sense...more things happen after noon so people needed to separate it in three (night, evening and afternoon) to make more sens of other things...this explains why it doesnt make sens.
and thx, i will try to pass these hard times.