11:30 Monday Night   Friends in High Places Tonight was good. I scored brownie points with the university president at the reception tonight. I'm still floating on the high friday night's phone call gave me. HOWEVER I have some sitDiary related complaints, that our friends lists were deleted in the event of better, more awesome niss. SitD is turning into Livejournal. The web does not need another Livejournal. There are already at least two Livejournals out there, LJ and the less trendy Deadjournal. This does bother me, but not as much as the fact that our friends lists were deleted with very little warning. And won't be added back automatically. soon we'll be getting e-mailed notifications for comments we receive, new diary templates, and all sorts of LJ-related rubbish that caused me to leave LJ. I like the mystery of not knowing who has me added to their friends list. I don't care who my "mutual" friends are. And I most certainly didn't want everyone I added as a friend over the past year to suddenly be gone from my list and now I'm just expected to remember whose diaries I enjoyed reading most. Alright, i could hunt down the diaries of every comment I ever received and re-add those I liked; but really, I'm lazy. Sigh. Life goes on. without my beloved friends list.
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