81 (252)

9:46 Sunday Morning   You're Right It always does, I guess. And it's a good thing, too. ----------------- 1:39 p.m. My life is great. I had a perfect childhood. Nothing traumatic ever happened to me. I'm not overweight or hormonally imbalanced. I have a wonderful awesome hott sweet smart boyfriend. My friends rock my world. I have a giant inflatable sword. I don't know why I was so depressed yesterday. I don't know why I feel so sad. Especially when I'm so happy. ------------------- 4:18 p.m. Dreams of the future. I used to know exactly what I wanted. Now I'm torn between two very different worlds. Augh, I hate coming inside from a sunny day. Everything looks like old faded photographs. There's hardly any contrast. Even the blackest of black is a shiny bluish colour that is eerily ethereal. I know it's just the UV Rays talking, but I think you're gorgeous. Don't be too offended now, Just wait five minutes for my blue tinted vision dies away. Oh. I didn't realise this was how your soul was. ----------------- 6:13 p.m. People who say there's no harm or trouble in asking have obviously never met my dad.
Read 8 comments
i could have sworn it was the 13th...
these mind games are crazy. i'm goin loco.
You're being cryptic lately.
Hehe. Your days never sound boring though.. Maybe that's just me :)
well...can't get any better than that giant inflatable sword, eh? Anyways, i'm glad that you're so happy. And I know what you mean about the whole good life thing. It's the same with me...
Thanks for the comment.

Awesome journal layout. Did you take those black and white pictures? They look really cool.

-I'm steph.
Yeah, but I don't think it's right to continue a relationship where that's all that it is.

everyone has those sad days every once in a while. it's normal. but the most important part is that you're happy right now and that you you wouldn't want to change anything.

...for the most part.

glad you're happy.
i.ve fallen in love with your diary.