Feeling: genki
9:09 Sunday Morning   Coffee Coated Dreams Yesterday was great. I woke up late and went to the beach with Caleb, his sister, and my family. The sun was shining in all of it's UV brightness, the water was lapping at the beach, the sand was burning my feet. It was just about perfect. I haven't had that much fun at a beach since I went to Carlsbad in August of 2002. Went home, showered, then Caleb came over and I made him talk to Sara (hehe!), and then we tried to write a collaborated story but it wasn't working very well so we stopped. Then we sat on the couch and talked until 1:20 when i made him leave because i had a headache and was tired. I wish he could just sleep here. He's quite warm, you know. Anyway, im going to church today so I need to get off and get ready. By the way, does anyone know what Genki is ?
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Genki, as far as I know, is a Japanese word meaning affectation, ostentation, vanity, healthy, robust, vigor, energy, or vitality. (Lots of meanings, ne? ^^)
I have no idea what genki is. I'm glad you had fun at the beach. I've never even been to a beach. I want to go to one really bad one day though...
sounds lovely. I'd kill for a beach right about now.