75 (246)

Listening to: Jewel(Adrian)
Feeling: beautiful
12:48 Early Saturday Morning   A Huge Boom made me so Sad To(yester)day was really awesome. Last day of the year for me. It had an element of sadness, not because I would miss all my buddies and stuff over the summer break but because I wouldn't get to be in the leaver's assembly at the end of next year. Hmm. In accounting this morning, Ten showed up. That random Asian guy who sits next to me and asked me out on a date. He hadn't shown up to class for the entire week, and today he asked me, "Do you know why I showed up to class today?" "Um, No," I replied. "Because today is your last day," He said. Aw how sweet. Gag me. The leaver's assembly was fucking long, but school got out at 12:30 p.m. for us! yah! And I finished my picture frame in technology! And I forgot the keys to my bike chain! So I walked to Zeb's with Zeb and Caleb and called my mum. Simon showed up and went into Zeb's room to play on the computer and I sat outside while Zeb and Caleb wore togas and went back to school for a class party. My mum finally found my keys and came to pick me up, she gave me my wallet and took my backpack (the main zipper finally broke after threatening to all month!) home in the car, she dropped me off back at school and I rode my bike home. I talked to Ed!@!!!1! And Erin! And I tried calling people. I went to Caleb's around 3:30 and Zeb and Caleb and I walked to the little mall and countdown to get fireworks and random food stuffs. It was pretty awesome. Then Zeb and I sat and did a lot of nothing while Caleb scurried around tidying up the house for the party. Ahh, the party. It was pretty good. Like, biggest party I've ever been to. there were 18 or so people by the fireworks time, and five girls (including mine and Caleb's little sister). It was cool. I tried getting involved in groups and things. I drank random smoothie thing; played volleyball passing with John, Wendy, and Natasha; I watched people play Riven; and I lit sparklers. I talked to Simon one-on-one during fireworks, and i kept thinking about how if such a moment had happened a few months earlier, I would have been much much much more excited for the moment than I was. It was pretty interesting to think about. I almost think Simon doesn't hate me! This is good. And Owen and I kinda connected a bit on a deeper level (as in we talked a bit instead of completely ignoring each other). We barbecued! yah! falafel! Simon was really awesome about it, he cooked most of the falafel for me which was really nice of him. He burnt a lot of the sausages though (snigger). Chelsea came to hang with Sharon, and the other two girls were like "WHOA! she looks just like TERESA!" so she is now Mini Me. She got really freaked out by one firework though, it fell over or something when the fuse got lit, and it went all over the fucking place. One of the flaming ball things hit Sharon, but thankfully she wasn't hurt. Definitely a blessing. Chelsea was in hysterics though, she came running to me and I felt sooooo bad so I just cuddled her until she calmed down a bit. Doot do do, it was a wonderful evening although I did get lonely some times as everyone but me is a sporty sort of person. The sneaky hand-holdingniss was nice. :) Holding hands watching shooty fireworks is v. good. I kind of wish I could have gotten to go to the Pier for the really really really huge fireworks. I don't knwo if I'll ever have the chance again. Fireworks remind me of the fourth of july, so I started singing the USA national Anthem, and Marko and James made everyone shut up so they could hear me sing. :) they thought I had a pretty voice. It made my night pretty much. Hahaha. Well, here we go, a typical entry about my day. Full of ups and downs and random boring bits. Typical entry, typical girl.
Read 3 comments
thats wicked awesome..ive always wanted to go there someday lol

The US election annoys me.
I don't know what to do about Danny anymore.

I wont quite shatter your world!!! but I was wandering if you still love scott ??? I mean I know that you have caleb now but jw plz write it in your next entry !!!