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7:45 Tuesday Morning   Freak. I'm Sorry. It amazes me. I don't know what to say. All I can do is keep her in my prayers. Zombie movies are awesome and i am a zombie addict. *bite* and now you're a zombie addict. It still makes me happy that Thomass and Mandy e-mailed me. James owes me a date. :) I'll miss it here, but it's alright to have something to look forward to. Like Twinkies. ----------------- 7:55 p.m. We read The Bible, 1 Corrinthians chapter 13. It's my favourite chapter. We also looked through Psalms and found random verses with "love" in them. It was fun. We listened to Psalms put to music and it was very pretty. My favourite is Psalm 117, I think. It's short but it was a pretty song. Daddy got mad because I left without asking permission, and then got in 15 minutes later than I said (about seven) (meaning i got home at 7:15). Sigh. He said I can't go out for a while, but it's alright, he said caleb can come over tomorrow, while he and mum are out during the evening. What, did I hear this correctly? While mum and dad are out, I am allowed to have a boy over. With just Chelsea as supervision, who will either be in her room reading, on the computer, or at the tv? If only he would come over, it would be nice, we could cook dinner. I wouldn't be lonely. But I don't think he will, he should study, he's not online so I can't ask him. And the whole restriction thing. But I will offer anyway, because it would be super if he came over. Our families get along, my daddy likes him, and there is only one problem in our relationship, which we discussed today but can't really fix: That it has to end. And I know what I'm going back to. And it makes me sad. You know, I don't really miss Twinkies, or roller coasters. I don't really miss driving, and I don't really miss waking up at inhuman hours of the morning to swim. I don't really miss not having a life. I miss my kitties and some friends. I kind of miss the brilliant sunsets and the gorgeous sunrises. I don't know. I just. I don't want to go home. ..This is home. This is home. back bitten
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Thank you!

And yay! I wish those nasty chavs would get eaten by Koreans. That'd teach 'em. I don't think the chances are that high, though.
I know how horrible it is to have to leave someone special to go back to where I came from. And it makes you feel guilty, because you know you want to go back, but at the same time you want to keep her (or him!).

I feel v sorry for you both and you both get a hug!