Listening to: Emiliana Torrini
Feeling: wounded
6:26 Early Sunday Evening   Organic Craze How arbitrary. buy local. pay attention to GUS scores, toxicity levels. energy requirements. Soil Organic Matter. compost organics instead of throwing them away. recycle plastic, aluminum. use less paper. sigh. i keep saying "some day" but "some day" needs to be today. i am so unmotivated.
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I am truly sorry my dearest Resa I wanted you to come but Natalie was there and we were having steak for dinner so I didn't think you'd feel welcome on those two accounts. Plus I just wanted you and me time - not everyone else. Things got far too busy. But I do love you! Love, me
ha, today i overheard someone say to another person (who brought a small bag of organic carrots to snack on) that they would never eat organic products because it "just sounds so gross." i don't get it. anyways, i don't think i've ever felt an earthquake before and they don't really happen where i am located. it was weird. do you have them frequently?
and i read that you like juno. i saw it yesterday. my favorite part about the movie was the fact that kimya dawson sang most of the songs in it. i wasn't expecting that!
and a happy earth day to you too! ;-)