Feeling: stellar
Usted ira al prom menor con mi? Usted = You Prom menor = Junior Prom con = with and mi is obviously me. Guessing ira means 'would go'? or something..and in spanish it's all like backwards... Would you go to the junior prom with me? I'm not stupid. All I needed was the "you, prom, and me" part and I was off squealing and jumping for joy! All he hadda do was point at me "you" and point at himself "me" and then say "prom" and I would've been smiling in a daze while nodding. Heck yes... This came to me tonight in a package...a package of M&M's (peanut kind) from a really hot red head with dreamy blue eyes. I came home tonight around 8:30pm and Vati told me I had a mysterious call from a boy from his cell phone. Who would get ahold of his cell phone? Vati says, "I'm prolly not supposed to tell you..." So of course he tells me...He said this boy was asking if I had been asked to the Junior Prom already...Vati said he didn't think so....I wanted to know who it wasss b/c it was obvious I was being asked to Prom! Vati suggested that they might have called home first to be able to get his cell phone....EEEEEEeeee... So I go running to the phone...I pick it up and zip thru the numbers only pushing the button like 2 times when the name "Bruins" shows up and my mouth drops open and I can hardly breathe. I'm holding the phone, staring at it when it starts to ring and I jump almost dropping the phone and it was like a dream came true... 'Bruins' shows up on the caller ID and I yell "It's my DEREK" and calm down before answering the phone. "Hello?" "Is this Sara?" "Yeah..." "Is yer mom there by chance?" "Um...uh...no..but my Vati is?" "Aw nuts...speaking of nuts, want some?" "Um...uh" *utter confusion obviously* "Well, they're not really nuts, its M&M's the peanuts inside kind, they're good." (He was dreamy so of course I was gonna go along with whatever he said. I don't like peanuts.) "Yeah, they're good. I want some." (Hey, he asked if I wanted some...anything to get him to come over... haha my lame attempt) To my surprise.. "Okay, I'll be right over. Cya in a bit. bye" "Um...okay...bye?..." So I go running around the house screaming. Literally. I make Scott, Dustin and Vati go away to their separate rooms and attempt to calmly sit on the couch reading a magazine when he comes. I couldn't sit still. I peeked. I squealed. I did it all. He came to the door, Vati asked if I wanted him to get the door I said, "Nooo, you have to take yer time with these things so you don't seem too eager"...He laughed and walked away. I answered and he handed me a bag of Peanut M&M's. I was like all..um..okay..and he said to enjoy and I might wanna 'route' around in the bag might be something interesting in there. He was like already off my porch and saying goodbye and I juss smiled and nodded while staring at him dreamily. Said bye and got in his car...He said "cya at school morrow" (I wonder if he said my name! eee) I stuttered and mumbled "bye...cya...thanks..okay.." He got in his car. I shut the door. I went running to the table. Vati takes the bag from me b/c I can't open it fast nuff and he says, "Look at it! It doesn't look like it's been tampered with." I showed him all the cuts and how they resealed it and everything. I even had proof. Still didn't believe me...so I get scissors and cut it open and reach in and grab the note (it was easy) and dropped the bag on the table. Dustin, Vati and Scott go for the bag while I'm reading this note in spanish. He knows my pet peeve. He knows I hate it when he talks in spanish. He knows I don't understand. So that's exactly how he decided to ask me. It had the word "prom" in it so it was obvious besides all the other clues that he was asking me to the Junior Prom. Yes, that's right. Derek Bruins asked me to the Junior Prom. After I got the note I went running to the phone and dialed up Kirri's number and babbled it all off to her and she screamed in excitement -for me-!! It felt soo good. Reminds of me when Resa and I would get excited for each others dates when we got them... But juss to make shure I had the message right I had Megan tell me what it meant b/c she's taking Spanish and I looked it up on the net. I had been complaining all day long (ask Kirri) about wanting to go to Junior Prom...more speifically with Derek, but I thought he wouldn't go out with me -again-. But see where complaining gets ya? It lands you a date! cha ching! And if it's not obvious enuff...Yes, Derek ish my crush...I've tried not to crush on him b/c he seems really 'Peter Preisthood' if you know what I mean. And he wouldn't even think about 'going out' let alone with me. I thought he liked Kirri all along b/c he could actually have a convo with her. I thought it was interesting b/c we had juss went to the Sweetheart dance in Feb together...and he's asking me again...2 dates in a row...eeee! I've tried not to crush on him... I've tried to stop thinking about him... I've tried to find so many faults in him...*coughspanishcough* I've tried to stop thinking about him wanting to be a cop one day... But in the end we all have to face it....I want his bod! Teehee! Take that as innocently as possible please. Although I shouldn't get my hopes up b/c he still ish a great churchy boy. Now, juss for that boy I'll hafta figger out how to answer him back in spanish... so far all I've got ish the basics..... "Yo quisiera ir con usted" I would like to go with you. (lame) Or as the comment suggested I could get to the point, fast and easy and say "si". I'm going to Junior Prom with a hot red head with dreamy eyes!
Read 5 comments
thats so cute!! hahha i'm happy for you ... why dont you just say ...si (yes) simple and right to the point... well good luck
answer in french

"Je ne parle pas espagnol, mais j'irai au bal d'étudiants avec vous

which, literally, means "I don't speak spanish but i will go to the ball of students with you"

and, oh right:


aaaah! yay!~!!
ahh!!! Pinky and the brain. sara! we have theme show! bhahaha!
see, I told you that derek likes YOU! not the stupid girl next door! oh...matt's not next door...uh! oh yeah! rah! I'm so happy for you!
you made my day today and yestorday! ohmy...I love you!