Feeling: giddy
Story time! It's not that great but it totally made my weekend. So Saturday night, after I went shopping at D.I. and the library... I went to the Ward Christmas Party with Grandma, Renee and lovely Dennis. Dennis recently had a hernia (whadeva) surgery like two days ago and he apparently was still in pain because of it. But he came to the party anyway. Grandma and I were standing in line for food when Dean Howell showed up and said he was doing character pictures for the 'kids' and asked how old I was. I said 19 and he said "still considered a kid..." all unsure like. Grandma just about jumped out of her pants she was so excited that he'd do that fer me. heh. I think I got treated special by that man...maybe it's just cuz he knew me Mutti. Fine with me. He gave me a number, he was doing 20 pictures.. I ate and got my picture drew. Grandma like shoved me in there so I could leave earlier. He even drew the random hair that had fallen in my face..I totally fergot about it...until it was drawn. He made me a button nose instead of a long skinny one like the other girls. heh. But he gave me blue eyes...well his Mutti helped color them so maybe she did..oh well. It works. Grandma won't stop getting all giddy about that picture. ANYWAY. The good/bad part of the night. Near the end of the party Dennis was getting worse with pain and his leg was like turning colors, so we all decided to go to the emergency room. Grandma and I dropped them off and went to park. Then Renee, Grandma and I, three generations, sat there and waited for like an hour. I texted people and called Mutti to ask her plans for Christmas an' all and then called Jed to have her invited to his house on Christmas Eve. I got a few ppl to text me...for a bit. It was weird because we were right by the door and everytime someone came in or out it's kinda natural to look up see who it was. And everytime I looked up to see who it was there was like the same group of boys, it seemed. I never saw them leave...but when they'd come back, I'd look up. I felt..trained or something. It got to the point it was kinda stupid to keep looking up. But one boy always in the back and he always looked back at me. So not only was I looking up everytime but I was making eye contact with the same boy everytime. He looked...older so I figgered he was prolly married or fiancee. I had my warm sweater on and my coat so I was burning up in that place. We couldn't sit still anymore so we got up and walked around. I went to the fish tank. It was closer to the boy. Then I announced to Grandma I was going outside. I went out and finished a text and sat down. I didnt see him at first because I was texting, but he had followed me out. He went on the other side of the door and kinda eyed me. I looked to see who it was and he was leaning against the wall and asked what I was doing there. I said my friend had a hernia. He said ouch. He asked if it was friend or boyfriend. K, the man is like 60 years old and annoying as heck, heck no not my boyfriend. I made that clear. I asked what he was doing and he said his 24 week pregnant sister was in an accident right in front of him. I like gasped and my world kinda spinned for a minute. My sister is 25 weeks pregnant. I had to come back to reality that it wasn't my sister. It was still horrible, but wasn't my sister. I almost flipped there fer a moment. He said the heart was still beating, thank goodness, and the he didnt say so much about the mother... After we discussed why we were there he kinda...cautiously moved closer to me like I was gonna attack him..and he sat by me on the bench. He commented on how I was freezing/shaking and holding my coat. He was shivering too. I liked the feeling, better than being hot. He stuck his hands in his pockets and asked "Can I ask you a question?". Oh bother. Here it goes, the "are you legal question?" of course, I should've known before. "How old are you?". He felt better when I told him...this is the second time tonight ppl. He went on about his roommate that got mixed up with a 13 and got in lots of trouble. He basically said b/c I'm not a minor I can't bring trouble. I was offended. Just cuz I ain't 13 don't mean I can't bring trouble hunny! anyways....He is 21. I noticed his CTR ring and pointed it out. He said "Is that good or bad?" haha! Cute. It's always good. I didn't have mine. He went on about how ppl judge him right off the bat when they see that ring. He apparently is ...religious. I felt like saying, 'I'm the same religion dear, you dont need to convince me'. heh. I think it was around that time when Renee and Grandma showed up at the door and said they were going to take Grandma home. I turned back to him almost in a panic. I mean, someone was hitting on me and I had to leave and I might not ever see him again...and..and....I cared! What is wrong with me?! He asked "Can I ask you another question? Will I ever see you again?" That was soo WAY the wrong question. Hello? What am I supposed to say? "um...yes I'd like that...but I have to go now...but maybe I'll see you around" and just walk away? C'mon. I said "well..if that's gonna happen we gonna need some phone numbers...". Ya know, the time I can finally give a good first impression is gonna be the day pigs fly. The last date I lost my car in the parking lot and ended up in the wrong..city. This time I couldn't remember my own phone number. Seriously. I don't do numbers while under pressure! I had to look it up...it took a bit..he helped me find it..and I think our knees touched. Anyway! He got my number and THEN asked for my name. Smooth. I said Sara with no H and he mentioned how his little sister had an h. Oh great. I've fallen into the background already. He said his name was James. I don't do so well with J names... Hmmm... K, the Emergency room is kind of an awkward place to be hitting on someone isn't it, just a bit? I stood up to leave and he stood and I said nice to meet you James and he came in to shake my hand...really close and THEN announced "I hug, if thas okay with you." Well it's a lil' too late now to ask that dontcha think? So we...hugged. And he..is..big! Like my own playground big! He's 6'2! I was...suddenly excited. I like dating bigger guys. They're fun. I didn't check to see if he had big hands. On my way out of the building he texted me goodnight. Whee! I asked him through texts later that night if he does outdoors, camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, boating, shooting... stuff. He said he does it and said he was lookin to get his concealed weapons permit soon. Oy. Another one. Well, he fits in my family I suppose. My first impressions of him are... He's very compassionate...sincere...sweet He's religious and a family man He can take a joke....humorous. The only thing that really worries me is that he is a family man. The last stuck-to-family-man I dated wouldn't...let go of his family for five seconds to get a girl to bring back to his family. sigh. I hope he can balance a relationship and his family better for his sake and his future wife. But his is LDS and unlike the other random guys that hit on me daily, he might be worth my time! And he called me babe! ah ha! I can still see his face in the dark cold night looking at me kinda sideways..his dark hair and dark eyes making him look...mischevious or mysterious. It was kinda cute. We like fell asleep texting each other. I think he's...worried about my lack family closeness. sigh. Oh and Dennis is fine by the way. I don't know whether to be thankful he was in pain er what... We took Grandma home and came back to pick up Dennis. He was there and waiting so I took them all home. Do you know how I know he's just fine? Because he didn't shut up the whole way home. He's still the paranoid lil' man is always was. Hard to say but it's nice to have the lil' guy back. Take some pills Dennis and go to sleep... It makes me all giddy. I might fall for one of his lines one day....
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