Nervous Wreck Grandma keeps telling me this is the hardest time in my life. Thanks, Gram yer shure helping! Why does everyone else get to turn 19 before I do?! C'mon...gosh... Not that it'd make a difference for me...everyone will still think I'm 16-17 but still! It's the thought that counts! I'm going to 'test out' of my 109 class b/c it's boring me and the teacher says I'm typing well over the requirement. So going to get that over with...I can't decide if I'm going to transfer into 110 tho like a month into the semester...that seems a lil' iffy to me. We have to improve our keyboarding by 20% by the end of the semester. I'm scared. Whadda I do? Then Patsy called me and left a message. You know what that means?! I'm gonna get a job at a law firm sooner than April like I thought! I was scared to call her back. She said they were ready to hire now and wanted to tell me more about the job before we have a lunch-in and/or interview. heh Scary! I have to eat lunch while talking to these ppl?! Anyways... I'm gonna have a job ...at a law firm at age 18! BAM! (As Adam would say) Oh and the other thing.... The other day... I was going up the stairs... He was going down the stairs... He asked me out. (Um, what was yer name again?) I said "um...no...not right now in my life" (or in this lifetime JK) Oh dear, rejected on the stairwell Well, he shouldn't have asked in such an awkward place! Let's juss hope I dont regret rejecting him...heh! Gah! Gotta find an eye doctor down here. I needa see! Would someone compliment me on something other than my hair??? Something that I can actually control...like my personality or something...not physical! Ugh... I wonder how the boy is doing on his papers... I wonder how many of these journal entries of when I am 18 are going to be called "New Beginnings" .... Anyways....Moving, school, boys, jobs, doctors.....I'm only 18 man! I dont wanna grow up! You can't make me! I refuse! *cries* I'm not ready! "Trying to live life and tell you while trying to run away from it all at the same time"
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oh please, Wensay! not like boys like your personality! pfft! clint does, though...;)
oh yeah, and ... I love you! eee!
p.s. WHEE you got a job! at a law firm! cos you're awesome!!!