Feeling: leftout
Ugh..boys.. Dallin's gf Loryn came and picked me up after work so we could go up to Logan together in her lil' redish-orange bug She's cool. We blasted music the whole way. She goes from liking country to rap, silly combination. I was okay until the girly whiny bands came on. I couldn't ...stop thinking. It was like the same small segment over and over in my head. Weird. Annoying actually. Anyways, Dallin told us to be there by 6:30 at the temple to meet him. Mmmk Leaving at 5pm in Fridays non..going rush hour to make it there in an hour in a half. Yeah, right. She was speeding like no other... I didn't wanna die! I dont care what time he said, heaven forbid he has to wait a few minutes! She was speeding and everyone around her started to slow down, I immediately looked for a cop, sure enough, there was one hiding and I yelled cop at her and she slows and the cop starts to pull out of his hiding spot. Talk about freak out. She doesnt have proof of insurance. She was all shakin', cuttin off people to ..avoid the cop I suppose. He got someone else tho. phew. Freaky! So we were in the canyon at 6:30pm and still had to get to the Temple. We made it and parked at like ten to 7pm. He was no where to be seen. He finally got out around 7:20 or so, we waited forever. And he wanted us to be there and he wouldnt even show up. Stupid cow. He asked what I wanted to do. I said if he was gonna watch 1408 at Kendells I wanted to come, he said they prolly wouldn't so I took Loryns bug home. Tangent on the bug: So she gives me the key and they leave. I get in the car and I can't turn it on. The key wont turn in the ignition. Grr. So I sit and try it for like 15 minutes. Meanwhile I'm calling and texting Dallin, and his music is prolly so loud he can't hear it so I'm stuck at the Temple parking lot and I can't turn on my car. ggrr. I texted Dallin "I hate you..." because he ignored me! Stupid cow. I finally got out and asked a...priesthood holder haha to help me. He asks "what can I do for you?" I simply say "Can you just...turn on my car? Turn it on and I'll be happy!" He thought I was weird. He finally figgered that my steering wheel was locked. Yay! Thank you Mr. Man. Now I can go home b/c I can turn on my car. Bet you dont ever have that problem... Felt a lil'...silly...driving a bug. Definitely not my first choice of vehicle but..okay. I decided since I was pritti far in Logan I'd go to Rickers apartment and visit him. I went and his roommate (Aaron) was there with a bunch of friends, he's...annoying on first impressions. He said that Ricker was an idiot and crashed his motorcycle into the back of someone (we knew he was an idiot when he bought the bike) and was in Smithfield...late "Oh but he's okay, he's alive" Oy. Preferably that would be one of the first things to say. Then they discussed the bike. So I went down to Smithfield and his bro said that he was back at his apartment, we must've just missed each other. Stupid cow. So I went home and ate some rice stuff and bugged Mutti with Bday cards and gave her my sappy and maybe my new fav movie to watch at work. Then I talked and watched Rodeo and CourtTV wif me Vatti. I havent watched Rodeo for so long...I like to watch it with him. Sometimes, you do things you dont wanna do..or normally do, just to spend quality time with someone you love. Yes, thats right you adjust/change for them. My body ached and I was so tired. I managed to stay up til midnight with old lady patches all over me. Good thing the patches arent actually pain killers, or else I'd be dead from overdose a loong time ago. My kitty fell asleep next to me. So cute. Had a hard time falling asleep. I guess I was worried about Loryn and Dallin coming home. I know what I did with my bf at 3am, I sure as heck hope they aint doin that. I feel like a parent. Ugh. Just sleep. Soo this morning... Dallin gives me the movie 1408 and said he got it for me 'on the way home'. He got home at 3:30am. Not buying it. Last night asked me randomly if I was at home. Of course I was I took Loryns bug home. I said "yeah, dont tell me yer watchin my movie now..." He avoided the question (asked where I was sleeping) which ment he was watching my movie. Stupid cow. So he juss brought it home -after the fact- and said he got it just for me. Bull pucky. He's lying up the ying yang to me! Good thing he sucks at lying or I'd hafta hurt him. Stupid cow. Now I have a movie to watch and lack of time to watch it. I want Wesa. But I wanted the movie so bad, I'll make time. I'll go see Urinetown tonight. Lack of car. Pff if anyone wants to see me today...they hafta come here to visit. When I come here I end up having to visit everyone else. Lame. Come visit me! Now I shall be lazy and stinky and enjoy every minute of it, because I actually prepared to come this time! Weee... Time to do non-productive things.
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