Feeling: discouraged

I went to the gym on Mon and Tues. Mon I did this one machine for 30 minutes, I liked that one...kind of like pedaling...but not? Then I went in the back and worked on crunches and arm strength, man oh man, I dont think my arms will ever be able to pull that weight down. I didnt feel like swimming and I totally planned it, but I went home an hour later. I thought it would give me more energy and make me want to eat a lot like it did before, I'm not seeing those results yet, but then again its only my first day/week.

Tues I used the treadmill mainly cuz it was the only thing available, but I seriously hate treadmill with a passion. I did that for 30 minutes, not even fast, not running just fast walking, uphill incline most of the time and I -hated- it. I did have music this time tho. I cant do straight flat running its so boring and it hurts mah bones cuz the impact is so hard on my knees and ankles. My calf got a knot in it and it hurt and my ankle was weak and it just felt like my flabby butt was floppy all over the place. Then I went to the back and did anything that did NOT involve my legs, they quit on me. but that only lasted for like 15 minutes and I was bored again so I went off to the pool. I realize that swimming is kinda boring when you are with ppl and it doesnt last long, so when yer by yourself the experience is even shorter and a lot less entertaining. I went in and let my legs feel weightless for like 15 minutes and I was done. A nice lonnng hot shower and I left with extra dry skin. Not my favorite experience.

Wed I came home and cleaned the kitchen, took out the garbage, did the dishes, emptied the dishwasher of clean dishes, made some food, charged my phone (annoying to have to charge it so much after what I had before), straightened my hair and went to class and forum. We learning from the Conference Ensign. I was kinda excited, but at the same time kinda not cuz I've been reading that Ensign for the past 3 months and now I get to do it for another 3 or so. The teacher seems kinda fun. She's going through menopause currently though...

Thurs, today, I plan on going back to the gym and attempting to get excited about exercise again and avoid the treadmill. I'm going for the front row bikes and steps this time. I can watch TV, read a mag, or listen to music to occupy my mind for 30 minutes. I love that crunches machine its not so hard of impact on the back, butt and neck like when you do it on the floor. I dunno I guess I'd like exercise more if it wasn't such a hard impact, like yer doing it on concrete. These bones have to last awhile and they dont exactly like milk so have a lil' mercy okay? I need to take supplements. I wonder what prenatal pills would do for me...

So according to my BMI calculator I am currently overweight, being 5'1 and 146lbs puts me at 27.6 (25-29.9 Overweight) so if I lose -at least- 14 pounds (24.9bmi) I'll be -quote- "normal" (as far as BMI standards for my particular weight and height) being 5'1 and 132 (18.5-24.9 Normal). As the gyms usually say this time of year "Time to get ready for summer so you'll look good in that bikini!"

So New Years Resolutions came a few weeks late but here we go to the gym and gain more spiritual progression!

Surin came back to UT, I guess ID was really driving him nuts. I cant see that kid quitting at anything really, but apparently such a small town could drive anyone crazy. He's still going to school online I suppose and maybe he'll gain his sanity back. For the most part I've been ignoring/avoiding hanging out with Brian. I'm mainly tired of these boys' influence and Brians schedule dominating. I'll text these two boys, but I'm focusing more on exercise and spiritual progression rather than hang with them...

So Grandma S gave me this book by Anita Stansfield and I have to be honest this lady and the way she writes this book is kinda driving me nuts. I feel it has "I'm so much better than you" written all over it. The characters just have these great standards that youth these days dont even think/care about. Its obviously the way SHE thinks things should be in a relationship, not the way they really turn out. The author makes the girl character seem SO naive and innocent, and I dont care where you are from but no one can seriously be -that- naive, she's not a child! Drives me nuts! She doesnt have thoughts about sex or even kissing a boy because thats improper or some crap. Maybe that was the way it was back then when the author dated and maybe we're not that good these days but that doesnt make her better than us. That and throwing religion into a romance book kinda irks me like throwing religion into my education bugged me. I dunno... maybe I'm weird. But I cant stop reading it noow...

And ever since I started reading this book I've had some weird dreams. Maybe cuz I'm reading before bedtime? I can't really remember them, they wake me up in the night and I think about how weird it was and then I go back to sleep and when I wake up all I remember is how weird they were. Like last night I vaguely recall ending up on Adams couch and he wasn't alarmed and I ended up running my hands through his hair and tracing his facial features. Weird. And his wife came home and didnt think it was weird...

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