Everyone is talking to me.
But I don't comprehend any of what they're saying anymore.
I give up trying.
It's closing night.
Nobody cares.
Muttis not even here to fuss.
How am I gonna get there and back?
Who cares?
I'll walk.
I bought myself a rose.
It's pink. It's pritti.
It was that whole moment I think I almost smiled when the guy behind the counter handed my pink rose to me with the bag almost all the way down so I could easily pretend it wasn't there. That moment, just before I got my receipt and he hands it to me and says, "Have a good day."
When the clock strikes twelve, midnight the 'princess' goes back to being a poor, peasant tonight.... Not worth the princes time.
It's slightly difficult to put on access amount of makeup if you're crying.
I won't cry.
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