Freakishly Calm I have had a total, literally of 45 minutes of sleep...this morning, since it wasnt last night. Exhausting day at Mindy's attempting math all night long. Come home take a shower and do laundry, supposed to go to be early b/c I set my alarm for 5am to actually be at the bus stop at 6:30am. Listened to blaring music til like 2am I swear. Texting Adam the whole time, kept him interested enough that he didn't fall asleep amazingly, that never happens, even with make out sessions. heh Our last text was at like 4:15...and I think thats when I knocked out... 45 minutes later I wake up to my alarm. ::sigh:: another day at school. But I was more alive in the morning than I ever will be again..I didn't yawn as many times as I do when I 6-8 hours of sleep. We flipped coins in class all day. Then I actually went to math class, I was gonna skip it.. but I went and did all my assignments so I'm caught up. woohoo. Not only am I awake, I'm productive. I went and read instead of falling asleep before my next class. But afterwards I slept a wee bit before work. Felt nice. I feel WAY too calm. I feel blunt to. You ask me anything and I'll tell you bluntly. It'll get me in trouble. I'm actually getting things done. I'm not thinking negatively...maybe I'm too tired. Cool! I kinda like this numb yet calm feeling. Of all days to get lots of busy work. I haven't been this busy at work for a LONG time, since the last time he left for vacation and we had three secretaries for him. He's leaving next week, just found that out. I did a butt load of bills and made him sign the stack, copied the deposited checks, and prepared and sent court docs to court all before 4:30. Sweet. Then I come back to another desk full of stuff. Patsy made me laugh all day. My only slight emotion. She buzzed me on the phone today. It was weird. My first time! They were both freakin out about using Mircosoft Word. Oy. Good thing its not the updated version, they'd die. I ate chocolate cake for lunch tho...twice. I LOVE the frosting. I'm not so worried about catching my bus anymore, its always like 15 minutes late. Wee. Adam is coming down tomorrow. I need to call Mutti and Adam to see how he feels about last nights convo. Oy. I really dont wanna know. ::sigh:: At least I'm in the mood to listen and attempt input. Ok. I love ya, buh bye!
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