Happy Birthday James
The Big 23....
Might qualify for financial aid soon...
Weekend road trip.
St. George.
While sick with a cold.
With James.
Who was a jackass to me.
Even everyone else noticed how he treated me.
He was only nice to me during those "yadda yadda yadda" moments, like usual.
I gave him the best birthday present EVER and he still was a jackass to me.
Came back even sicker prolly.
Have to admit tho...
Those 'yadda yadda yadda' moments were really worth it....
But now I feel I must puke.
Give me a cold OR nausea.
NOT both.
Some things in this world I can handle...
Apparently I can handle being with a jackass while being ill and alienated...
Uh, kill me now.
Oohhh rain!
Talk about going from a desert to raining SLC...
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