Listening to: Blink 182 - Always
Feeling: giggly

"I already unbuttoned my pants just looking at all this pizza to eat. I dont want to get fat."

"Of all the guys that you have undressed in front of..."

"There's been a few..."

"And of all those guys that have seen you naked, did any of them walk out on you? Just leave after that? I mean, I'm not trying to be obese or anything I'm just tired of the guilt so I'm going to eat this pizza and then we'll go shopping for bigger pants."

-(kinda from) Eat, Pray, Love

She has a point. One that makes me feel better about myself.

Safety Word: Gumbie. aaaahhh, to have inside jokes again.

"I've been here before a few times

And I'm quite aware we're dying....

Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel you,


Kiss you, taste you, all night


-Blink 182 : Always

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