Listening to: Anatasia : Once Upon A Decemeber
Feeling: aloof
Saturday Night
Slept until 3 in the afternoon
Mutti woke me up and wanted to go shopping
I got up and dressed and she said she was going to work and walked out the door...
Cleaned the bathroom..took a shower
Went for a walk
Visited Papa Bear and Papa Tim! Grandpa Otteson and the lovely older sista Shannon!
Nobody believed me when I said I was going to the cemetary ...
So I went to his house
He was working on his car. He went on and on about it. I juss listened and nodded. I was quiet for some reason. Maybe it was b/c I visited Papa Bear.
He has two big dogs Bear and Annie I think. It was strange b/c I had a dream that two huge dogs juss plowed me over one day and Derek like peeked around the corner as these two dogs tackled me.
He finished with his car and immediately shoved me out the door of his house. His Vatti wasn't happy (plumbing problems)teehee..
Went to Josh's house.
Played with barbies and Care Bears...
Played the drums...
Watched him play the X-Box (I hate that thing)
Drove in his car all night
Went to A&W, Kirri started spit wads
Jerry, Landen and I were the only ones not doing it.
He's so hot when he's sincere.
Went to K-mart watched these girls flirt with him
Did the caruosel thingy with the horses that go round...
Ran around K-mart until we got kicked out. Fun!!
Took these two sophy mountain crest girls to ShopKo and went back to Kirris.
Laughed my head off at "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"
That was my Saturday night..
He's so hot.
Will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become.
For I am not the one.
A week from this Saturday!!!
Next Saturday is the day!! Eeeeeee!
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