Feeling: proud
Today is going to be a good day. I woke up to Max whining downstairs. A little while later I woke up to Max like sniffing/chewing something in my room. I shot up in bed and there he was all bright eyed and bushy tailed staring back at me at the end of my bed. I didn't care what he was doing so I closed my eyes and let myself fall back limply onto the bed. As I was falling back to my pillow he like leaped onto the bed right on top of me and sniff-attacked me. What a way to wake up. And that dog is NOT a little dog I'll tell you. I was like kicking and screaming trying to hide from his nose. He was just checking to see if I was okay. He jumped off and I rolled over and groaned. I think my groan was an invitation to jump back in bed with me. Next thing I knew I was sleeping with a big black furry blob next to me. And somehow I didn't care and slept some more. I had to put my arm around him and fish underneath him for some of my stuff. Turned on the radio to get up and waited for my heater to turn on before I moved. I bet, if I let him, Max woulda slept with me all night. Haha the boy got replaced by a DOG. I got up to a country song thinking Nicole Kidman has like the perfect life marrying Keith Urban. heh Two beautiful people and marrying a country guy. ::sigh:: Anyways, changed my outfit like 3 times. Curled my hair, put on matching clothes, even a necklace. I feel pritti. Tangent: I didn't do it just cuz he said he likes curly hair! I'm sure he ment he's likes naturally curly hair, which I don't have. Um, so...what does the combination of black curly hair...and freakishly straight brown hair make on a baby? I burnt my thumb on the curling iron. Grr. The clumsiness is setting in quite obviously now. My thumb is freaky on fire! I'm telling ya dear, things between us are not going so good. It's getting more and more discouraging. He claimed he'd take me on a date tonight. After last night tho I'm wonderin if he'll take that back too. (can't accuse him of being a liar - he gets a lil' touchy) Either way I'm prepared. I'm pritti. And freaky emotional. This is your warning buddy, don't blow it. __________________________________________________________ This day just got better! There was package on my porch with like a whole sheet of .17 cent stamps. Poor kid, putting them all on there. It was like $5 worth of 17 cent stamps. Derek Bruins sent me a package from Chicago IL!! So excited. Good thing someone was there to tell me how to open it. There was like 3 bags of chocolate! Then I found a journal! How did he know I needed one of those!? It has 400 pages instead of like 160 or 200 pages I usually get! It beautiful! And then I found some post-its and pens. How did he know I needed those? He knows me too well. I couldn't stop saying "Oh my gosh" over and over and couldn't stop thinking "How did he know?" in my head over and over. I took a bag of chocolate to work and shared it with everyone and then gave Minnie and Claine the Snickers cuz I can't eat it all! I saved the peanut butter chocolate stuff for me tho. I was Lindt chocolate, I just learned this year that I like that chocolate muchly. Its a lil' expensive though. So I felt a lil' better when I learned that he was given most of that stuff from members in his area. I guess he was given the journal and didnt need/want it and sent it to me! How sweet. Even after about two years... he still knows me. Thanks Derek head. I miss you. I'm writing novels again.... my period should be coming soon.
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