High Value The one line I can actually remember falling for... head over heels.. to be exact. ::blush:: It never seems to fade away... You think you get used to it and it becomes natural.. but no, its like its new each time. Weird... I cleaned my keyboard and I think I got it too wet... I just finished my 11th journal. I need a new one, hence me coming back to this one. I might get to meet Dan (Ascii) whom I've known for like 5 years online. He went on a mission for 2 of those years, but we've been talking for a long time. He's moved to SLC and is attempting to go to school. I wanna meet him. Kinda scary, but interesting. He's an interesting character. I just can't seem to fit him in my schedule! Kinda stressed. Body isn't handling it well. Got like 2 weeks to fit in a couple of weddings, play time before school w/Adam and others, WORK (to get money for school)and the dentist....all before..school. And then once school starts UGh...being without him AND having classes dealing with numbers! Juss a wee bit stressed. Oh shut up brain.
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you're cute. Good luck, i'm so proud that you're doing so well on your own. i'd totally die without all that crap financial support.