Feeling: nervous

So Evan brought lunch to me at my office yesterday. *blush*

No one has ever made the effort to come see my office let alone bring me lunch. My parents came to see it once and took me out to eat, but its...not the same. Not even my sis has seen my office. I remember trying to get my fam to see my office downtown when I worked there. I managed to get my parents there one at a time, Dal and a few friends. I dont know why, but its exciting to me to have someone see where I am and what I'm doing.

Anyway, he brought Subway and some cookies. I like the sandwhich he chose. I didn't care what he brought as long as he came. He turned bright red when the boss passed down the hall and said a quick hi before going into his office. So cute. He's so nervous all the time. Man was I nervous when he said he was coming tho.

I have to say I think this kid has made more effort to invite me into his life then the last...five guys I've dated put together, or since 2008. He actually dates me which is all I could ask for at this point in life. He is also a caller. He'll call on his breaks. Weird. Makes me so nervous. Texting is more relaxing and easier, but sometimes he caallllsss. That's good..right?

Then I saw him at Forum that night and it was kinda...awkward. I dont think he wanted me to meet his best friend, Lacie. She looks like a Staley. She went to USU about the same time I did. She's kinda shy like me. The similiarities are kinda scary between us. He couldn't stop moving around and going red every few seconds and asking appropriate questions to alleviate any tension or awkwardness. hah Such a shy guy. Then he said "Well I'm gonna go now" and hugged me and said "I'm going to leave now" Um...yeah...I'm getting that hint, thats what 'going to go' means... He asked "See ya morrow?" and I nodded and then he turned to leave and didn't have anywhere to go... so I made it easier and left first. I think he was waiting for someone so he couldnt just...leave. So its gonna be like that in public eh. I see how it is. The way he treats you while he's with his friends is a BIG indicator of how he'll treat you/how he feels about you.

So there is still obvious twitterpattion between us even after all that we did... is that good?

I'm looking at all the shelters online looking for all the orange tabbys I can find! I'ma gonna get me a kitty! I like the cats Cinnamon and Mufasa the best so far! Something is wrong with Mindy she said I could get a cat... well, unless she's changed her mind since then. kitty! mine!

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