Monday, September 15, 2008 Thank goodness for people who can say nice things aka LIE FOR me. Patsy added this little line in my appeal that says "I have appreciated and enjoyed my time at LDS BC, but am anxious to graduate and move on." In the nice business world, that means "I f****** hate it here and I want OUT. NOW." Meanwhile a ...gentlman...I think his name starts with a J (it'd make sense with my bad luck) I see all the time going in and out of the building and he says hi to me. We were on the elevator today and he asked how old I was and then seemed shocked and said "So..you can like date boys an' stuff" Um...yeah I'm old enough to...date...not so sure about the 'boy' part cuz they're all dumb...but okay... Awkward. We got off the elevator and he says "I wanted to ask you...do you want to go out to eat sometime? ...Coffee! How about coffee?" "I don't....drink coffee..." "Oh! So you're mormon" (gee thanks yea) He kinda went to his side of the sidewalk and I went to mine (we were crossing different streets) and he goes on about Iced tea or something. "How about....not" It was weird...but not totally unusual. Happens a lot. I think it was weird in the fact that I wasn't embarrassed or ashamed about me being mormon or me rejecting him. Usually I feel bad and say it all shyly. This time I just said it "how about...not". I didn't go red in the face or anything. It felt good to reject someone and not...really care. He's like what 30-40yrs old?! Geez... dON'T JUdge ME! So I was sitting in the bathrooms.... with a permanent marker... looking at all the stall doors....
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