Back. So I guess Keith sucks too than. No talking, no e mail, no anything.
Yes, well it was nice while it lasted.
I am beginning to dislike the male population.
Why can't they all just be honest, cool, collected, and not retarded.
Well o well. Nothing to dwell on.
He has a girlfriend anyways. Plus, if he could choose he'd choose Sarah.
Well that's it I think from now on I'll just avoid that little corner from now on.
I don't like being dissed.
I don't like it at all.
I'm not even really angry about that. In all reality it doesn't even really matter to me.
I just need something else to feel angry about.
John is getting worse.
My mother hasn't slept.
I feel horribly guilty.
Nothing seems to ever work out for me.
No matter how hard I try..nothing works.
I don't know whether I should give up or not.
Great, I need to let this go.
I need to stop being so damned sensitive.
That's easier said than done.
I just
I just want someone to talk too.
I feel so fucking alone right now it's driving me insane.
Absolutely insane.
Why am I such a fuck up?
Well fuck everyone, I don't care anymore about anything. Caring doesn't get me anywhere.
So screw that.
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