Sweet Sickness.

[bunch of horrible noises] Well I don't know about you, but damn I spent my night having a tremendous time being completely ill. No More McDonalds for me my friends. Never again. All night I spent (igging) and (figging) and well tossing and turning. It felt like someone was trying to rip my stomach out for almost 6 hours last night. I was indeed ill. In fact, I am still indeed ill. My head feels light and shaky right now. My neck hurts. as well as my ribs. Maybe this was the sign I have been so desperately seeking. Just maybe. I'm supposed to go see Dani today. but due to the before mentioned circumstances I think My place is better off at home. Feeling tortured and twisted. Final Grades still are not posted. this adds to my already diminished hope and happiness. All I want to know is if I passed or not. Made it. Done the deed and come out clean. That's all I really want to know. O. MAN. My stomach's twisting again. shaking me up from the inside out. This is a horrible pain. Much more worse than emotional no doubt. Excuse me while I kiss the porcelain sky. Disgusting. that's how I feel. Gross. and icky. and run-over. I wanted to finish cleaning my room today, but I think I'll have to hold off on to that. I also had to call off of work again. "Aj, you can't have anyone call in for you." I apologize. My mother was simply trying to do something nice for me. For once. well maybe for twice. Well I think this is long enough and all these words and typing is making me feel dizzy again. "Please do not step on the cacti." DFN.
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I have been reading your entries and find them very familar. Thinking too much, your mind never silencing itself from the stress of everyday life.