The weekend will be officially over tonight. Well it is today in all actuality.
I did nothing this weekend except get high, chill with Dani, and watch movies with my mother.
I didn't even study.
I have to take a make up test tomorrow morning at 9 in the a.m.
I will fail.
I also have to drop my class before I fail it.
I am a procrastinator by nature, nothing will ever change that.
I have decided that for once in my life I would like to know what it feels like to be thin and healthy.
I was only ever thin when I was a child.
I guess in all honesty I am just sick of being the fat chick who is dependent on food.
So many problems.
So today I will clean my room, take a shower, smoke a little, and study.
Hopefully this list will go as planned.
I'm not thinking about anyone today.
I realized last night I will never be in love.
I will ever be loved.
I will never be "lucky."
It's not a sad thing. It's just an honest thing.
And I won't think about Pat at all anymore, never again.
I will not dwell on this dude.
Dani will probably call later.
I'm supposed to go down there, but I have so much to get done tonight.
Why does everyone I know have to live miles away?
And why can't they ever keep their phones turned on?
Pay a bill damnit.
I feel caught between hyperness and hatefulness.
Than again, I'm always angry.
It's my nature.
I'm rambling again and I don't like it.
Nothing is making sense. It's all too jumbled up and chaotic.
I think I am done for now.
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