Rarely does it happen that I find something to open my eyes.
To wake me up again.
To rustle off all of the dust and dirt I've gathered over the months.
I know I spend so much time talking so negatively about my life, but when I wake up I finally see that it is all meant to be this way for some reason.
Waking up to me is feeling that little tingle in my stomach, that small flow of energy through my veins.
I adimit I love it.
Learning something new.
Something that triggers an effect.
It happened a moment ago while prowling through the diaries on this site.
Certain phrases.
A certain attitude.
It made me more aware.
More aware of my own life.
My own worries.
My own emotions.
And most importantly my own loneliness.
It's a burden to be so afraid and so misunderstood all the time.
To feel like no one else understands.
To feel so incapable of expressing all of those burning thoughts your mind holds.
Such a burden.
A horrible burden.
That is all the same so beautiful.
I guess sometimes I get lost.
My path gets a little gloomy and hard to follow.
But tonight I learned that eventually I'll find my way again.
Some small moment will make up all the difference.
And make it all mean something.
I feel good tonight.
I feel good right now.
Done for now.
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