[1322] Tongue-Tied and Terrified

1. Do you hide when Jehovah witnesses knock on your door? yes. and Mormons. its not like girl scout cookies.. its a religion.. let people figure it out on their own. 2. Tell me about your dancing style? awesome? 3.Do you have any family traditions? a few. and we're gonna make a bunch more 4. Honestly, do you laugh when people trip for no reason? i used to trip for no reason and it was awesome.. and i laughed. 5. What is your most used cuss word? damn. 6. Do you think it looks silly when people wear socks with sandals? o yes and beanies. and sunglasses at night. and visors. and fanny packs. and black lip stick. and gangster clothes when they are white. and yeah 7. if you wake up late, is the rest of your day ruined? sometimes because i get so groggy and i just want to sleep all day or lay down. so its good to wake up early 8. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? the right side if ur in it.. the left if ur looking at it... 9. Name the seven dwarf's dopey. sneezy. bashful. doc. grumpy. sleepy anddd smiley?? 10. When you bend over, can you touch your toes? yes 11. What kind of drunk are you? i get so happy and giggly and i think everything is hilarious 12. What is the most difficult thing you've ever had to overcome? either the whole jason guy thing.. or dealing with a nut job like Brett for almost 5 years now and then having him turn into the worst person in life and make me want to slit my wrists when i think of him. 13. How do you feel about rainy days? pretty good 14. Do you think that people mistake your kindness for a weakness? absolutely. dirty bastards. 15. Can you cook? yeah for the most part 16. What is your best dish? timmy likes when i make enchiladas 17. Have you ever eaten anything disgusting for money? No. 18. Has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you? yeah in highschool and she wrote me a song. well she TOLD me she wrote me a song, but it was actually a linkin park song. lazy lesbians. 19. Do you know anyone who is a pathilogical liar? my cousins manuel and alisha and brett funny thing about pathological liars.. they almost cant help it ALMOST. 20. What about bi-polar? i think my mom is. Jason might be. they think i am. its funny i am reading this book and in the beginning he's talking about why he wants to kill himself. and he's saying how its weird that when a coroner writes about a suicide they always say "the state of his mind was unbalanced" and whatknot and how he doesn't get it because.. to him it would make more sense to say that if like a famous celebrity who just shot this blockbuster movie and won the lottery and had a baby with the love of his life.. and then he offs himself.. yeah then its like.. wtf? why'd he do that? his mind would definitely be unbalanced.. but if your kid just died and you got a divorce and your leg was paralyzed and you went blind.. and then you wanted to kill yourself... whats so crazy about that? It would make a whole lot of sense.. it should instead say and I'll quote the book "he took his own life after sober and careful contemplation of the f****ing shambles it had become"... my mom seems to think i am bipolar. because i am pleasant with everyone but for some STRANGE reason (ha) i just have a shorter fuse for her... i can't take her. and she calls that bipolar. no more.. its not crazy.. it actually makes a lot of sense if you open your soldered shut eyes and look at my life and your role in it and then maybe you'll see that any sane person without some disorder thrown at them would behave the same way. huh... 22. Is there anyone you know that deserves to get bitch slapped? lol funny you should ask. and the answer is 100 times yes. I would love to but doubt I'd be the one to do it but i bet a million dollars someone will in his miserable lifetime. and my only regret is not being around to laugh my head off when they do... 23. Why do people drive slow in the fast lane? they are d bags and don't know how to freaking drive. 24. What is something interesting your best friend would tell us about you? i don't know ask him 25. Is it ever ok for people to marry their second cousin? ew thats gross. no. not even a 4th cousin is right.. its weird... 26. How many real sit-ups can you do in a minute? i have no idea... i'd try but i just drank hot chocolate and i don't want to relive it backwards.. if you know what I'm sayin.. but I'm guessing about 25 27. Have you ever eaten a crayon? no i don't think so.. i used to eat the homemade play dough in K 28. What is the best pick up line you've ever heard? uhm... i don't there is a good pick up line... 29. Have you ever found anything gross in your parents bedroom? i don't think so. 30. Besides a toilet, where was the last place you peed? i have no idea... thinking... lol the only thing i can remember is when i was like 16.. peeing in a bucket with Ali and pouring it out my window.. long story. 31. Would you rather be a porn star or a prostitute? porn star i guess. you get paid for having sex but you don't go to jail... your just famous.. but ew. 32. Would you rather have cookies and milk or crackers and juice? cookies and juice 33. If your body odor was a food scent, what would you want to smell like? vanilla or strawberries 34. Have you ever missed someones hand in a high five? i dunno maybe 35. Last brand of shoes you had on? converse 36. Favorite candy bar? uhm reeses.. 3 muskateers. snickers. 37. Where was the last bruise you got on yourself? i never bruise. the last bruise i had was when Jason punched me in the arm.and it was huge.. so for someone who never bruises, you can imagine how hard he must have hit me... it was the size of a base ball but a normal person it would have probably been the size of a cantaloupe. time to read i think... half way through and only 3 sittings.. gasp! today :] its going to be a GREAT day. I can feel it &&& its our engagement anniversary. At 1am in the morning.. so its passed really but the DAY hasn't.. today November 24th 2006 is when my Timmy first asked me to marry him. &&& I said yes. And then we walked off happily into the sunset. and there was a horse. and we were on it. and flowers. and doves. and piano-y music. and rose petals.. in addition to the flowers. and hot cocoa. and pom poms and a moose. and rainbows and skittles. and fireworks and fire flies... yeah there was... yeeeeahhh... ok night
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