Listening to: josie and the pussy cats- pretend to be nice
Feeling: blank
So i called heathers work.. and i have an interview on monday.
Jonathan cancelled our drum lesson.
So i have like.. a hand full of people going with me on friday yay... lets see.. its gonna be jastin and her friends, ashley and probably her bf, sal, dawn, and maybe shelby and her bf. maybe amy and jessica. not alot but thats cool that i have people to go with woot.. i was supposed to call britney and such but i forgot so she might not go. caitlin has to go to a bday party..
ramtins gf is so sweet. she's the only gf of the band thats actually put effort into like... talking to me... i didnt see her at the show last week but she said she saw me and i looked pretty cool haha. so she'll be there too hopefully... thats good. the other girls were nice but.. i didnt really feel like i fit in with the.. but adriana (i think) she said she gets along with kristen and that the other girls were giving her dirty looks.. so woot.. im not the only one who doesnt feel like she fits in with them. not that they arent nice.. they really are.. but hmm. i dunno.
i went bowling tonight with integrate.. that was interesting.. i suck at bowling and i fell lol. yeah i completely ate it. it was fu-un. andres AND brett went lol. not at the same time but isnt that funny? u would think it'd be awkward but it wasnt.. i dunno. it wasnt awkward to be around brett.. cuz we talked about it before and it just wasnt awkward.. i mean kinda but whatever.. but it was weird to see andres i guess. he didnt even acknowedge me like at all. queer. lol jk. but it was funny.
haha this is me dancing...

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