you can only get it if you want it. my elbow i'm sure harbors a few benign bacteria. and actually do shave my legs. irony.
nevermind i changed my mind. you can't have it. you're sXe. you have to drink de-caf. because for some reason you want to. silly straightedge person. i love you all. but you all need a spliff.
im getting some of thoes side effects right now

perpare for a SUPINA!
I'm benny! No, but I know a ben, and his mother didn't like it when they called him bengie/bengy. It was only ok if it was by his sister though. True story.
hey bub! yea ma easter was ok! um im not italian lol - ok ma nationality is - scandinavian, german, danish, polinesian, maori, samowin nd sum utha stuff lol but i kno italian a little bit i dont kno how either lol o ya ma frend taught me ok i'll teach u some --- ciao bella( bye beautiful/babe )- amore tu( i love you )ille journe celabourne(im guna stab u)lol* walle teh colo (wat tha fuk) va vancolo( fuk u )lol k if u wnt mor cmmnt me! ciao bella
kenny's hott. tho...he is. hahaha
