moving progress today has increased by 50% at least. we're doing pretty good I think.. timmy likes to just stuff things in boxes.. i like to arrange and rearrange until i can fit as much as possible.. i like to be organized.. moving is already so crazy. but he's been helping a lot. and just doing whatever he can that i don't think i can do better heh. lol i don't think anyone could handle me but a Timmy. and he does it with a smiley face and a pink butt. cuz i smacked it gASP! you don't know cuz you weren't there.. third parties are awkward...
speaking of parties. i got an invitation to heathers bridal shower thing. bleh. first of all.. ok. congratulations heather woo hoo you get everything you've always wanted yadda yadda good for you.. but i can celebrate ur victories from a distance. considering. plus.. not to rub it in even more at the immense anger i have for my mother whom is the host of the event.. but basically its a no.
Timmy liked my hair today.
We have been getting free tv for a year. its weird.
timmy finally got those best buy jerks to give him a new ipod. His warranty on his old one says after 3 repairs he gets a new one equivalent to the price of the old one. they sent it out like 5 times and kept making new excuses to give him "refurbished" ones that had broken and been repaired themselves. and of course they kept breaking. so finally i told not to take no for an answer. he called a manager at 4pm and the manager said he'd call him back in a half hour.. 2-3 hours later still no call. I HATE when people do that. a true sign of a douchebag. so i told him skip talking to that guy who is obviously incapable of getting anything done, he can't even make a phone call.. and ask to speak to the highest person available. so he did. and they told him to come in and get a new one. his old one was 20 gb. new one.. 80gb. Oh the joys of standing up for yourself.
Speaking of douche bags, Brett is one. Tim agrees. Its funny to laugh about things that are true. I found a bunch of pictures from those notebooks we had a long time ago.. a lot of them were of his family especially his mom. i was just going to mail them to him, but now i want to just tear all of them up because their his stuff. but that's evil so I won't. tempting tho. at least poke holes through his face at least. maybe. if there was a way to put a bunch of rabid dogs through the mail.. i would. someday..
I'm hhhhugry.
Timmy signed the papers for the apartment this morning. It took 2 hours!!
Yesterday Tim did a weird dance and was all like "Zingy, zingy zingy". it was so tom goes to the mayor. you had to see it. I don't watch that show anymore actually. but it was pretty funny.
OHH i almost forgot. That job i interviewed for.. they offered me the job. i declined. i know.. stupid. but not. it was a bad situation. tim agrees and he knows I'll find one soon. a good one. i mean, if its going to be a bad situation i might as well work at mc donalds. at least you know what you're getting into. at least its what you sign up for. but no.. i don't like mc donalds. the job was weird and working in a room for 9 hours everyday of the week right next to 2 people... one of which is rude and pompous.. its just bad. even the way he offered the job was like.. idk. pompous. can't explain it better than that. tim says I can do better. and I will. its just hard gettinga job in simi valley while i'm living in canyon country..
so if ur rabbit tries to hump u.. spray him in the face with a water bottle. he hates it. doesnt hurt him. and he does it less. yay.
timmy has a 5 day weekend.. well. 4 now but YAY! lots of timmy jeni timeeeeee.
might be bad tho :{ start my . tomorrow *pouts* worst timing ever. grrr.
I couldn't resist.. baby tim is adorables.