
the 'Deep Stuff' Survey 1. Do you think you were well raised? sometimes I feel I'm a little more messed up than I should. the mother is way crazy. but overall.. it could be a lot worse. 2. Do you have a secret that you've never told ANYONE? maybe not that i havent told to anyyone 3. How do you handle stress? I drive but its hard because of gas now. so usually i write and write and write and write and its all rambly and doesnt make sense. but i feel a lot better after. sometimes i just block things out completely. which i'm finding out more and more is really bad. 4. How would you spend your last day alive? hm. well if it was to happen soon... i would tkae out a loan for as much as i could. and thennn i'd got ride a hot air balloon, buy 4,035 marshmellows and play chubby bunny with random people, iwould tell justin timberlake i am dying and ask him to hang out a while, i might have to marry the first eligible bachelor i see so i dont die a virgin... yeah 5. Do you hide things well or do you have a guilty conscience? if ii did something stupid.. i typically just tell the person when it happens. i kinda suck at hiding things.. 6. If there was true love on one side of the street and a million bucks on the other, which one would you go for? truuuue love for sure. but just true love. not just love or anything. 7. If your parents got divorced and you had to pick mom or dad to live with which one would you choose? already happened. and yeah even with my crazy mother.. i would never pick my dad 8. If you HAD to choose between having one family member or 5 of your closest friends die who would you choose? gah. i guess 5 friends? but i dont know that sucks because then 5 die instead of 1. i dont like this question 9. Do you think you could ever forgive someone who murdered a family member? no. 10. What is the worst thing you've ever done that your parents DONT know about? she pretty much knows everything I've done. - The love stuff 1. Do you think you know the meaning of true love? who knows anymore. 2. The last time you kissed someone... was it someone you see yourself kissing again? meh. 3. When AND/OR WHO was your last kiss? isnt this the same question? tim. and actually quite recently.. 4. Whats the most important part of a relationship in your opinion? for me.. number one is same beliefs because it just wont work otherwise. and communication and trust 5. Are you one to kiss and tell? iguess... this question is lame 7. Your most recent ex... you guys still friends? tim. probably not considering he wont call me back... 8. If your parents didn't like the person you were dating.. would you lose em? no. 9. Do you see yourself ever being with someone you've been with before? i thought so for a second about one but no never... and then i thought maybe about tim. but too much has happened. 10. If your best friend liked your ex, what would you do? shoot her in the face? or something.
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