sucked. i fell asleep half way thru.
oi. Im sooo stressed out.
weddings are crazy. I have a million things to do and nothing is done and I dont even know what im doing and its crazy. and i need a job and i feel guilty for planning a wedding when i dont have a job but then i feeel stressed when nothing is done and its coming up soo fast.
tomorrow, or today, we have an appointment at after hours. i cant wait to see timmy in a tux.
our engagement pictures came out weird. my mom shuld keep her day job. they were kinda out of focus and they all had the date in the corner, sometimes covering part of me or tim. so i cant crop it out. so now i have to photoshop it out and that takes forever. boo.
i asked my grandma if she'd let me borrow her video camera. she said no. lol. figures. not even for my wedding. thanks.
i need 2 bridesmaids.. renee and erycka cant do it. gah. I dont know anyone. i cant have just 2 bridesmaids and 2 groomsmen. and even if i find one more bridesmaid, i cnt have 3 because i would want donovan AND manuel to be groomsmen. so yeah. i need 2 bridesmaids.
on the upside. in just the last 5 days, i lost 1 inch off my hips. lost 1/2 an inch around my belly. and gained 1/4 inch around.. well. my chesticles. lol. i'd say thats quite a progression for only 5 days.
who knows how things will look in 3 weeks or by my wedding :) hopefully i get in good enough shape so people dont say "whys that little girl getting married??"
well gotta go. bye.
thought i'd put on some of the pictures. hopefully the others come out a little better..
we're gangster.
btw. they picked the outfit, boooo. it made me look pregnant.
kinda weird how theres a huge hill of dirt behind us. we could have picked a better spot... dirt sucks. o well.