[2] Um this is just ramling on about my boring misguided

chain holding jack
Good stuff, you are "Wedding? I love
weddings! Drinks all around." You're the
life of the party and nothing gets you down,
not even certain death at the hands of your
zombie nemesis or the Navy. Come to think of
it, realism isn't your strong suit...

Stupid Humor
STUPID HUMOR: Doing shocking things, making faces,
flailing your arms about, and producing bizarre
noises are how you make people laugh. You were
always the one that people call
"wierd", and they still do, because
you are. You enjoy being wierd, and people
enjoy watching you act wierd and over-the-top.
Just be careful, too much of it at a time will
begin to annoy people. You are one FUNNY guy!

o yeah..

god you dumbass.

Raver Bear
Raver Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

HAHAHA hugging people spontaneously... its like they knew!

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

O I am so the perfect girlfriend... haha tell that to my ex bf

so... I am sitting. writing. typing really... it kind hurts cuz i was fumblin through some junk in a crazy drawer and there was a lady bic razor in there... and yeah my finger got all sliced up.. its great. No really it is. I like the smell of blood. not the taste. it reminds me of batteries.. and then i think of the energizer bunny which all ways puts me in a good mood.

ok so enough about my finger geesh...

I am an insane person. for true. I dunno.. what do you think.. is a person who almost jumps out of a moving vehicle going 50 on busy street but didnt only because the door was locked... I scared myself. still kinda shaken up. shake shake shake. shake shake shake. shake your OK that's enough.

Tomorrow is gonna be interesting! I MIGHT GET TO MEET THE DISTILLERS!!!!... AND SEE BRODY IN PERSON! IN FREAKING PERSON.. O you know your excited for me. I can feel it in my elbows. Pinch your elbow. it doesnt hurt. It truely is amazing.

After I meet (hopefully) the Distillers, I am going to lunch with my friend KetchupBottle and all her buddies at BDP (thats abreviated cause I dont know how to spell it) somewhere in Hollywood.

I put up all my BMX posters today. The wall is almost full now. A little section is just alistair whitton pictures... cuz he is dead sexy in a can. hmm...

Luke (my drum teacher guy) told me I was beter than Aubrie and she's rather good to the max. that made my day.

I like Johnathan. His sister found out. And I think he knows but it doesnt really matter. He's kinda geeky and really smart. People keep asking why I like him and I tell them and they say he's not cute but how shallow can you people get? and he IS cute... in an adorably dorky way.. i like it. And some people said if he knew I liked im he wouldnt really know wat to do cuz he is shy and not alot of people like him like that... so I was like score. Cuz this way no one likes him but me... o but I was sadly mistaken and recently found out that a lot of girls have started to show intrest in him lately.. one imparticular his sister mentioned. A real pretty cheerleader girl...what the heck? A cheerleader. You gotta be kindding me... so I pretty much figure I'm ruled right out of that one... but theres still steven. He called me baby cute. Is that good? I ask that like people are actually reading this...

the mother has a bunch of people from church over.. and now I have to go show them that yes she does indeed have a daughter... this should be fun... wish me luck...

*POOF* Im gone

Read 4 comments
I like the taste of blood.
The Distillers= Awesome band.

I like Jello.. And ice cream. Yes people should die. Not all though. There are some good ones. Few, but some.
