Yep.. forgot again about my promise to myself to not like try so hard at sticking up for people and defending people any more. at least not until.. well I'm not sure when would be a good time.. i'm still figuring that out. because right now EVERY TIME and this is not an exagerration... they just vent and i agree and i defned them when people suck at them and they vent vent vent and i care because I care and defend and then somehow... they turn it onto me. like yeah yeah that person sucks... but oh by the way you also suck. not in so many words. but enough to get it. Just take it? Or confront them and defend myself and have them just blow me off or elaborate on how terrible i am when i think its bullshit. because i thought it was all in the past but obviously not if your fucking bringing it up. I just hate everyone. I hate having conversations. they either suck the whole time or they're really good and then randomly suck for no reason. i don't know what the hell i am supposed to do. I try to be nice. And people are just mean.
Never freaking learn.