gooooonnna get married.
"...wise men say
only fools rush in
but i cant help
falling in love
with you..."
yeah that movie was on today. fools rush in. it kinda reminds me of me and timmy. only we dont have a one night stand, and dont get pregnant, and i dont have a thick mexican accent.. but basically the same. cuz she's super religious and comes from a super religious family only they are catholic and i'm christian.. and her family doesnt approve of alex.a nd alex's family doesnt think much of elizabeth.. and alex is a prespaterian? i cant spell. and he doesnt believe in anything but hten after they get married, and get divorced.. he starts seeing how it was fate that brought them together and the best line in the whole movie "you are everything i never knew i always wanted." tear. and blah blah it ends good lol. i would go on and on but i have add and and. n to a new subject!
jefrie is annoying. all day he's been mr. escape artist. grrr. and he has this stupid habbit of yes, using his liter box, but then sleeping in it too! erg. it drives me insane... doesnt he know how gross that is?
i neeeed a second job. I said that before. And i have been looking, from time to time. but honestly.. i cant find anything. nothing pt from 8-2pm thats close and isnt a fast food place or something. i dont judge anyone who has worked at fast food. i dont look down at them or anything..(shoe)its not about that, its just i cant deal with people like that. and i know how upset i am with the people in the drive thru sometimes when they get my order wrong.. so i cant imagine having to deal with it all day. but yeah ive been looking.. and nothing. unless i quit this babysitting thing. but that would be stupid cuz for 1. it would inconvenience lisa. and 2. it pays better than any other job ive had and 3. the kids i watch arent babies, they are preteens so i can watch tv, and do my hw which is really nice. and its like less than 10 minutes away. i dunno.
soooooo anyways.
i was looking at wedding dresses last night and today. im gonna make some appointments soon. like next week or something. so far i havent really found anything close to what i want. but i have found some that have some things i want in a dress.... and since im bored and i like this subject im going to post pictures...
the perfect dress for me would be something traditional, but elegant and kinda sexy. it would have sleeves a little wider than spaghetti straps. and kind of a corsety style for the waist section but nice and a HUGE puffy skirt like a tutu only long. so really nothing like a tutu.

the picture of the dress has the only back that i thought wasnt stupid. if i cant find the dress im looking for tho, and i get something completely different.. i think i might want to get a reallylow back.. like the yellow dress kate hudson wears in how to lose a guy in 10 days.. only maybe not sooo low. but almost. i mean since its only going to be me and tim, i figure its ok to up the sexy factor. the other photos are hair ideas. but now that i look at them again, the kinda suck. i think i can do better...

I really like the skirt on this dress. its crazy puffy and ballroom like.

these are dresses im not really sure about.. some of them are kinda weird which is coolc uz im weird... but maybe they are too weird.

these dresses are the closest i found to what i want. the second one from the left is almost prefect shape-wise (the material is kinda gross.. hate all the crap they throw onthe front... then just take away that skirt and put the one from above... and i guess it would kinda resemble the dress i want.
i guess i'll just keep looking.