haha after debating whether to get a mac or PC.. i found this today and thought it was pretty funny....
Top Ten Reasons for Upgrading to a PC instead of a Mac:
* 1. You enjoy reading computer manuals
* 2. Buying parts 'not included' is your idea of being patriotic
* 3. Blaming it on the PC is a great excuse... for anything
* 4. Tech support is your idea of telephone dating
* 5. Your favorite computer game is figuring out where your files are
* 6. You look forward to today's new virus (or worm, or both)
* 7. You like listening to telephone support hold-button music
* 8. Letting the kids play on the Mac next door frees your time (eliminates after-school kid sitters)
* 9. You think Bill Gates deserves the money
* 10. You have nothing better to do with all the extra time
I think i have been convinced to get a mac. plus i already have a PC with winXP so i think having the best of both worlds is a good way to go.
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