i tried to put a video here. one of many but it didnt work. So i put it on another site. i like videos :]
today i read an old devotions journal i used to keep. the first entry thing was about happiness. then self control. forgiveness. and identity. pretty good stuff if you ask me. I forgot how much i loved to devotion. I didnt actually crack open a bible. I cant find mine. not a very good sign. but i had written verses in there too. one's i really liked we're john 13:14, ephesians 4:23, and psalm 25:16-21. in the happiness section it said that the recipe for joy is putting God first, then others, then yourself." I knew that. Im so dumb. I forgot what it felt like to serve. So I'm going to start that. at least until i get an actual job and hopefully after depending on the hours.
jasons going to some costume party as that guy from supertroopers. not farva.. the other one. rod? team ramrod. ha. yeah.
well here are some pictures. Bored as usual but I'll take that emotion over the ones that Ive been experiencing lately. woot for boredum :]

sup. just a regular pic. no funny business.



i like me :)

the mother likes this shirt. Me too. Its kinda fuzzy but it says, "love the things that make you happy." plus it has a birdie.
I guess thats some pretty good advice, yeah?